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When should I use the HashSet<T> type?

I am exploring the HashSet<T> type, but I don't understand where it stands in collections.

Can one use it to replace a List<T>? I imagine the performance of a HashSet<T> to be better, but I couldn't see individual access to its elements.

Is it only for enumeration?

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Joan Venge Avatar asked Oct 05 '22 07:10

Joan Venge

People also ask

What is the difference between HashSet T and List T >?

A HashSet<T> is a class designed to give you O(1) lookup for containment (i.e., does this collection contain a particular object, and tell me the answer fast). A List<T> is a class designed to give you a collection with O(1) random access than can grow dynamically (think dynamic array).

Why should you use HashSet Why does it store unique values?

Simple summary: HashSet is to store a series of unique values. Advantages: Represents a set of values and provides high-performance operations. This is a set of collections that do not contain duplicate elements, and the stored elements do not have a specific order.

Does HashSet use equals or compareTo?

Comparison methodHashSet uses equal() and hashcode() methods to compare the elements, while TreeSet we can implements compareTo() method of Comparator interface so we have compare() and compareTo() method ,TreeSet does not use equal() and hashcode() method.

Why HashSet is the best approach for search operations?

It uses hash code of the object which is quickly computed integer. This hash code tries to be as even distributed over all potential object values as possible. As a result it can distribute the inserted values into a array (hashtable) with very low probability of conflict.

2 Answers

The important thing about HashSet<T> is right there in the name: it's a set. The only things you can do with a single set is to establish what its members are, and to check whether an item is a member.

Asking if you can retrieve a single element (e.g. set[45]) is misunderstanding the concept of the set. There's no such thing as the 45th element of a set. Items in a set have no ordering. The sets {1, 2, 3} and {2, 3, 1} are identical in every respect because they have the same membership, and membership is all that matters.

It's somewhat dangerous to iterate over a HashSet<T> because doing so imposes an order on the items in the set. That order is not really a property of the set. You should not rely on it. If ordering of the items in a collection is important to you, that collection isn't a set.

Sets are really limited and with unique members. On the other hand, they're really fast.

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Robert Rossney Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10

Robert Rossney

Here's a real example of where I use a HashSet<string>:

Part of my syntax highlighter for UnrealScript files is a new feature that highlights Doxygen-style comments. I need to be able to tell if a @ or \ command is valid to determine whether to show it in gray (valid) or red (invalid). I have a HashSet<string> of all the valid commands, so whenever I hit a @xxx token in the lexer, I use validCommands.Contains(tokenText) as my O(1) validity check. I really don't care about anything except existence of the command in the set of valid commands. Lets look at the alternatives I faced:

  • Dictionary<string, ?>: What type do I use for the value? The value is meaningless since I'm just going to use ContainsKey. Note: Before .NET 3.0 this was the only choice for O(1) lookups - HashSet<T> was added for 3.0 and extended to implement ISet<T> for 4.0.
  • List<string>: If I keep the list sorted, I can use BinarySearch, which is O(log n) (didn't see this fact mentioned above). However, since my list of valid commands is a fixed list that never changes, this will never be more appropriate than simply...
  • string[]: Again, Array.BinarySearch gives O(log n) performance. If the list is short, this could be the best performing option. It always has less space overhead than HashSet, Dictionary, or List. Even with BinarySearch, it's not faster for large sets, but for small sets it'd be worth experimenting. Mine has several hundred items though, so I passed on this.
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Sam Harwell Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10

Sam Harwell