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When should I update NuGet packages for a project?

I understand that NuGet packages update process is not automatic for a good reason (a new version could break your code or cause unforeseen problems), but then it transfers the responsibility of updating all packages to the developers themselves. When exactly should we be updating NuGet packages for a given project? Are there some guidelines regarding this process?

In our current project, this is more or less arbitrary: I update packages whenever I remember to check for updates, and preferably at the start of a sprint so that, if there are problems with the newer versions, we are able to fix them or rollback to the previous versions of the offending package. Most of the time, I'm the only developer that worries about this stuff, but I feel it is valuable to always be as up to date as possible because of performance reasons and new features that can make our work easier.

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julealgon Avatar asked Mar 09 '15 13:03


People also ask

When should I use NuGet package?

Because NuGet supports private hosts alongside the public nuget.org host, you can use NuGet packages to share code that's exclusive to an organization or a work group. You can also use NuGet packages as a convenient way to factor your own code for use in nothing but your own projects.

How do you check for NuGet package updates?

Invoke the Package Manager dialog (select Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution). Go to the Updates tab. Select the packages you want to update (or use the Select all packages to update all packages) and click Update.

How do I refresh a NuGet package?

Switch to the Browse tab, search for the package name, select it, then select Install). For all packages, delete the package folder, then run nuget install . For a single package, delete the package folder and use nuget install <id> to reinstall the same one.

1 Answers

Well, you should update whenever you are able to cope with it.

So you need to think carefully about the regression updating the packages could cause to your application if already in production, or the extra tests you are going to need to carry on in order to verify everything seems to be working as expected.

Normally updating to newer minor versions shouldn't cause much problems, but you always have the risk of it. Looking at the newer version release notes could prepare you to what to expect of the update.

In summary, update when you can cope with it, and you are ok with any shouting from your testers if suddenly the system regress without them even knowing it was coming :)

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Juan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
