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When is the optimization really worth the time spent on it?

After my last question, I want to understand when an optimization is really worth the time a developer spends on it.

Is it worth spending 4 hours to have queries that are 20% quicker? Yes, no, maybe, yes if...?

Is 'wasting' 7 hours to switch a task to another language to save about 40% of the CPU usage 'worth it'?

My normal iteration for a new project is:

  1. Understand what the customer wants, and what he needs;
  2. Plan the project: what languages and where, database design;
  3. Develop the project;
  4. Test and bug-fix;
  5. Final analysis of the running project and final optimizations;
  6. If the project requires it, a further analysis on the real-life usage of the resources followed by further optimization;

"Write good, maintainable code" is implied.

Obviously, the big 'optimization' part happens at point #2, but often when reviewing the code after the project is over I find some sections that, even if they do their job well, could be improved. This is the rationale for point #5.

To give a concrete example of the last point, a simple example is when I expect 90% of queries to be SELECT and 10% to be INSERT/UPDATE, so I charge a DB table with indexes. But after 6 months, I see that in real-life there are 10% SELECT queries and 90% INSERT/UPDATEs, so the query speed is not optimized. This is the first example that comes to my mind (and obviously this is more a 'patch' to an initial mis-design than an optimization ;).

Please note that I'm a developer, not a business-man - but I like to have a clear conscience by giving my clients the best, where possible.

I mean, I know that if I lose 50 hours to gain 5% of an application's total speed-up, and the application is used by 10 users, then it maybe isn't worth the time... but what about when it is?

When do you think that an optimization is crucial?

What formula do you usually apply, aware that the time spent optimizing (and the final gain) is not always quantifiable on paper?

EDIT: sorry, but i cant accept an answer like 'untill people dont complain about id, optimization is not needed'; It can be a business-view (questionable, imho), but not an developer or (imho too) a good-sense answer. I know, this question is really subjective.

I agree with Cheeso, the performance optimization should be deferred, after some analysis about the real-life usage and load of the project, but a small'n'quick optimization can be done immediatly after the project is over.

Thanks to all ;)

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Strae Avatar asked Jan 24 '10 01:01


2 Answers

YAGNI. Unless people complain, a lot.

EDIT : I built a library that was slightly slower than the alternatives out there. It was still gaining usage and share because it was nicer to use and more powerful. I continued to invest in features and capability, deferring any work on performance.

At some point, there were enough features and performance bubbled to the top of the list I finally spent some time working on perf improvement, but only after considering the effort for a long time.

I think this is the right way to approach it.

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Cheeso Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


There are (at least) two categories of "efficiency" to mention here:

  • UI applications (and their dependencies), where the most important measure is the response time to the user.

  • Batch processing, where the main indicator is total running time.

In the first case, there are well-documented rules about response times. If you care about product quality, you need to keep response times short. The shorter the better, of course, but the breaking points are about:

  • 100 ms for an "immediate" response; animation and other "real-time" activities need to happen at least this fast;

  • 1 second for an "uninterrupted" response. Any more than this and users will be frustrated; you also need to start think about showing a progress screen past this point.

  • 10 seconds for retaining user focus. Any worse than this and your users will be pissed off.

If you're finding that several operations are taking more than 10 seconds, and you can fix the performance problems with a sane amount of effort (I don't think there's a hard limit but personally I'd say definitely anything under 1 man-month and probably anything under 3-4 months), then you should definitely put the effort into fixing it.

Similarly, if you find yourself creeping past that 1-second threshold, you should be trying very hard to make it faster. At a minimum, compare the time it would take to improve the performance of your app with the time it would take to redo every slow screen with progress dialogs and background threads that the user can cancel - because it is your responsibility as a designer to provide that if the app is too slow.

But don't make a decision purely on that basis - the user experience matters too. If it'll take you 1 week to stick in some async progress dialogs and 3 weeks to get the running times under 1 second, I would still go with the latter. IMO, anything under a man-month is justifiable if the problem is application-wide; if it's just one report that's run relatively infrequently, I'd probably let it go.

If your application is real-time - graphics-related for example - then I would classify it the same way as the 10-second mark for non-realtime apps. That is, you need to make every effort possible to speed it up. Flickering is unacceptable in a game or in an image editor. Stutters and glitches are unacceptable in audio processing. Even for something as basic as text input, a 500 ms delay between the key being pressed and the character appearing is completely unacceptable unless you're connected via remote desktop or something. No amount of effort is too much for fixing these kinds of problems.

Now for the second case, which I think is mostly self-evident. If you're doing batch processing then you generally have a scalability concern. As long as the batch is able to run in the time allotted, you don't need to improve it. But if your data is growing, if the batch is supposed to run overnight and you start to see it creeping into the wee hours of the morning and interrupting people's work at 9:15 AM, then clearly you need to work on performance.

Actually, you really can't wait that long; once it fails to complete in the required time, you may already be in big trouble. You have to actively monitor the situation and maintain some sort of safety margin - say a maximum running time of 5 hours out of the available 6 before you start to worry.

So the answer for batch processes is obvious. You have a hard requirement that the bast must finish within a certain time. Therefore, if you are getting close to the edge, performance must be improved, regardless of how difficult/costly it is. The question then becomes what is the most economical means of improving the process?

If it costs significantly less to just throw some more hardware at the problem (and you know for a fact that the problem really does scale with hardware), then don't spend any time optimizing, just buy new hardware. Otherwise, figure out what combination of design optimization and hardware upgrades is going to get you the best ROI. It's almost purely a cost decision at this point.

That's about all I have to say on the subject. Shame on the people who respond to this with "YAGNI". It's your professional responsibility to know or at least find out whether or not you "need it." Assuming that anything is acceptable until customers complain is an abdication of this responsibility.

Simply because your customers don't demand it doesn't mean you don't need to consider it. Your customers don't demand unit tests, either, or even reasonably good/maintainable code, but you provide those things anyway because it is part of your profession. And at the end of the day, your customers will be a lot happier with a smooth, fast product than with any of those other developer-centric things.

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Aaronaught Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11
