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When is it more efficient to pass structs by value and when by ref in C#?

I've researched a bit and it seems that the common wisdom says that structs should be under 16 bytes because otherwise they incur a performance penalty for copying. With C#7 and ref return it became quite easy to completely avoid copying structs altogether. I assume that as the struct size gets smaller, passing by ref has more overhead that just copying the value.

Is there a rule of thumb about when passing structs by value becomes faster than by ref? What factors affect this? (Struct size, process bitness, etc.)

More context

I'm working on a game with the vast majority of data represented as contiguous arrays of structs for maximum cache-friendliness. As you might imagine, passing structs around is quite common in such a scenario. I'm aware that profiling is the only real way of determining the performance implications of something. However, I'd like to understand the theoretical concepts behind it and hopefully write code with that understanding in mind and profile only the edge cases.

Also, please note that I'm not asking about best practices or the sanity of passing everything by ref. I'm aware of "best practices" and implications and I deliberately choose not to follow them.

Addressing the "duplicate" tag

Performance of pass by value vs. pass by reference in C# .NET - This question discusses passing a reference type by ref which is completely different to what I'm asking.

In .Net, when if ever should I pass structs by reference for performance reasons? - The second question touches the subject a bit, but it's about a specific size of the struct.

To answer the questions from Eric Lippert's article:

Do you really need to answer that question? Yes I do. Because it'll affect how I write a lot of code.

Is that really the bottleneck? Probably not. But I'd still like to know since that's the data access pattern for 99% of the program. In my mind this is similar to choosing the correct data structure.

Is the difference relevant? It is. Passing large structs by ref is faster. I'm just trying to understand the limits of this.

What is this “faster” you speak of? As in giving less work to the CPU for the same task.

Are you looking at the big picture? Yes. As previously stated, it affects how I write the whole thing.

I know I could measure a lot of different combinations. And what does that tell me? That X is faster thatn Y on my combination of [.NET Version, process bitness, OS, CPU]. What about Linux? What about Android? What about iOS? Should I benchmark all permutations on all possible hardware/software combinations?

I don't think that's a viable strategy. Therefore I ask here where hopefully someone who knows a lot about CLR/JIT/ASM/CPU can tell me how that works so I can make informed decisions when writing code.

The answer I'm looking for is similar to the aforementioned 16 byte guideline for struct sizes with the explanation why.

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loodakrawa Avatar asked Sep 19 '17 04:09


People also ask

When should structures be passed by values or by reference?

Always pass by reference, unless you need a copy, otherwise you are guilty of peeking inside an object, examining it's implementation and deciding that pass-by-value is preferred for some reason. Because pass-by-value is the default semantic of any programming language that is written in terms of function calls.

Are structs passed by value or reference C?

A struct can be either passed/returned by value or passed/returned by reference (via a pointer) in C. The general consensus seems to be that the former can be applied to small structs without penalty in most cases.

Why should we use pass by reference when using structs?

Passing by reference uses a pointer to access the structure arguments. If the function writes to an element of the input structure, it overwrites the input value. Passing by value makes a copy of the input or output structure argument. To reduce memory usage and execution time, use pass by reference.

Can structs be passed by value?

Because a struct is a value type, when you pass a struct by value to a method, the method receives and operates on a copy of the struct argument. The method has no access to the original struct in the calling method and therefore can't change it in any way. The method can change only the copy.

2 Answers

generally, passing by reference should be faster.
when you pass a struct by reference, you are only passing a pointer to the struct, which is only a 32/64 bit integer.
when you pass a struct by value, you need to copy the entire struct and then pass a pointer to the new copy.
unless the struct is very small, for example, an int, passing by reference is faster.

also, passing by value would increase the number of calls to the os for memory allocation and de-allocation, these calls are time-consuming as the os has to check a registry for available space.

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GideonMax Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10


If you pass around structs by reference then they can be of any size. You are still dealing with a 8 (x64 assumed) byte pointer. For highest performance you need a CPU cache friendly design which is is called Data Driven Design.

Games often use a special Data Driven Design called Entity Component System. See the book Pro .NET Memory Management by Konrad Kokosa Chapter 14.

The basic idea is that you can update your game entities which are e.g. Movable, Car, Plane, ... share common properties like a position which is for all entities stored in a contigous array. If you need to increment the position of 1K entities you just need to lookup the array index of the position array of all entities and update them there. This provides the best possible data locality. If all would be stored in classes the CPU prefetcher would be lost by the many this pointers for each class instance.

See this Intel post about some reference architecture: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/get-started-with-the-unity-entity-component-system-ecs-c-sharp-job-system-and-burst-compiler

There are plenty of Entity Component Systems out there but so far I have seen none using ref structs as their main working data structure. The reason is that all popular ones are existing much longer than C# 7.2 where ref structs were introduced.

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Alois Kraus Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10

Alois Kraus