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When is it good to use embedded script language like Lua




I'm playing WoW for about 2 years and I was quite curious about Lua which is used to write addons. Since what I've read so far about Lua was "fast", "light" and "this is great", I was wondering how and when to use it.

What is the typical situation where you will need to embed a script language like Lua in a system ?

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Giann Avatar asked Feb 26 '09 17:02


People also ask

When should I use Lua?

Lua can be used in everyday applications to extend the existing functionality or create new features and functions. Some popular games, programs, and services that use Lua are Dark Souls, Fable II, Garry's Mod, Wireshark, VLC, Apache, and Nginx Web Servers.

Why is Lua used for embedded?

Lua is suitable for such tasks because it combines data-description mechanisms with simple, powerful, and extensible semantics.

What are Lua scripts used for?

Lua is a powerful and fast programming language that is easy to learn and use and to embed into your application. Lua is designed to be a lightweight embeddable scripting language. It is used for all sorts of applications, from games to web applications and image processing.

What are the advantages of using Lua?

Advantages Of Lua :It has been efficient in-memory usages. It has an open-source license. It is very easy to insert in C programs. It is usually a very good scripting for games.

1 Answers

When you need end users to be able to define/change the system without requiring the system to rewritten. It's used in games to allow extensions or to allow the main game engine to remain unchanged, while allow content to be changed.

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sfossen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
