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When I use the same seed phrase for both Ethereum and RSK, why is my address capitalised differently?

If I import the same private key in ETH and RSK networks, the account is the same but the capitalization is different. Why is this? Is this OK?

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Alejandro Cavallero Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 16:12

Alejandro Cavallero

1 Answers

Capitalization is used as a checksum, and the following standards are involved

  • SLIP-0044
  • EIP-155
  • EIP-1191

Some wallet software allow you to configure the chain ID/ network ID, and others do not

  • In wallets that leave out the chain ID, the capitalization based checksum will be the same in RSK as that of Ethereum. Example: MetaMask
  • In wallets that include the chain ID, the capitalization based checksum will be different in RSK compared to Ethereum. Example: Nifty Wallet.

In both cases, a workaround is possible, and specified in EIP-155: Use all lower case to skip checksum checks

like image 183
Julian M. Rodriguez Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 05:12

Julian M. Rodriguez