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When I use computeIfAbsent to calculate fibonacci numbers, hashmap size() returns incorrect value

I have the below code:

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class DynamicFib
    private static Map<Integer, BigInteger> myMap = new HashMap<>();

    static {
        myMap.put(0, BigInteger.ZERO); //fibonacci(0)
        myMap.put(1, BigInteger.ONE); //fibonacci(1)

    public static BigInteger fibonacci(int x)
//        System.out.println("x = [" + x + "]");
        return myMap.computeIfAbsent(x, n -> fibonacci(n - 2).add(fibonacci(n - 1)));

    public static void main(String[] args)

        System.out.println("l = " + fibonacci(25));
        System.out.println("myMap = " + myMap);
        System.out.println("myMap = " + myMap.keySet().size());



console output:

l = 75025

myMap = {0=0, 1=1, 2=1, 3=2, 4=3, 5=5, 6=8, 7=13, 8=21, 9=34, 10=55, 11=89, 12=144, 13=233, 14=377, 15=610, 16=987, 17=1597, 18=2584, 19=4181, 20=6765, 21=10946, 22=17711, 23=28657, 24=46368}

myMap = 31

memo has just 25 elements but size returns 31. How? is it a bug in hash map implementation?

I changed hashmap to ConcurrentHashMap, it simply hangs if I ask for 9th or more fibonacci number.

But this works and returns fibanocci number correctly even for 1000!

like image 275
Vijayakumar Chava Avatar asked Jan 01 '19 20:01

Vijayakumar Chava

1 Answers

Yes, the HashMap.computeIfAbsent(K, Function) Javadoc notes that you should not modify the map during computation. If you modify the method to first check if the map contains x as a key and then return like

public static BigInteger fibonacci(int x) {
    if (!myMap.containsKey(x)) {
        myMap.put(x, fibonacci(x - 2).add(fibonacci(x - 1)));
    return myMap.get(x);

Then you would see (as I think you expected)

l = 75025
myMap = {0=0, 1=1, 2=1, 3=2, 4=3, 5=5, 6=8, 7=13, 8=21, 9=34, 10=55, 11=89, 12=144, 13=233, 14=377, 15=610, 16=987, 17=1597, 18=2584, 19=4181, 20=6765, 21=10946, 22=17711, 23=28657, 24=46368, 25=75025}
myMap = 26
like image 89
Elliott Frisch Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Elliott Frisch