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When do I need to specify the JavaScript protocol?


I was under the impression that I only need to specify the "protocol" when using JavaScript in URL attributes, such as in hrefs. Is this the only "useful" context for javascript:?


<a href="javascript:alert('Hello')">World!</a> 


<form onsubmit="javascript:alert('oops!')"> 

Is this right? Or is there some obscure bug/use case I need to be aware of?

like image 776
cgp Avatar asked Feb 23 '10 20:02


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1 Answers

The javascript: pseudo-protocol on event handlers will be only ignored, you don't need it, the JavaScript engine will interpret javascript: as a Label Statement.

A label simply provides an identifier to a statement, and lets you refer to it elsewhere in your program.

IMHO, this pseudo-protocol is only useful for bookmarklets...

Recommended article:

  • The useless javascript: pseudo-protocol
like image 131
Christian C. Salvadó Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Christian C. Salvadó