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When do I need to escape characters within a regex character set (within [])?

Are the rules for what I escape in a bracket different for what I do outside of brackets?

For example should I escape a ? inside a bracket? Is it /blah[^?]/ or /blah[^\?]/

Are the rules for brackets different than not, or should I be escaping both the same?

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qwertymk Avatar asked May 15 '12 02:05


1 Answers

The only thing that needs to be escaped in brackets is a closing bracket, and a minus if it is not initial or final, and a hat if it is initial, AFAIK. And the backslash itself, obviously.

The reason is, these are the only characters with a special significance inside the brackets. A closing bracket ends the brackets, a mid-string minus indicates a range, and an initial hat negates the bracket class. Everything else should be literally interpreted. The backslash is the escape character, so you need a double backslash to match a literal backslash.

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Amadan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
