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When are computed columns appropriate?

I'm considering designing a table with a computed column in Microsoft SQL Server 2008. It would be a simple calculation like (ISNULL(colA,(0)) + ISNULL(colB,(0))) - like a total. Our application uses Entity Framework 4.

I'm not completely familiar with computed columns so I'm curious what others have to say about when they are appropriate to be used as opposed to other mechanisms which achieve the same result, such as views, or a computed Entity column.

Are there any reasons why I wouldn't want to use a computed column in a table?

If I do use a computed column, should it be persisted or not? I've read about different performance results using persisted, not persisted, with indexed and non indexed computed columns here. Given that my computation seems simple, I'm inclined to say that it shouldn't be persisted.

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jowenece Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 22:12


People also ask

When can a calculated column be used?

Just like regular columns of data, calculated columns can be used as a field in any area, and if they are numeric they can be aggregated in VALUES too. If you want your new data to be a fixed value for the row.

What is the purpose of a computed column?

A computed column is a virtual column that is not physically stored in the table, unless the column is marked PERSISTED. A computed column expression can use data from other columns to calculate a value for the column to which it belongs.

Are there any disadvantages of using computed column?

Some Limitations. You can not reference columns from other tables for a computed column expression directly. You can not apply insert or update statements on computed columns.

1 Answers

If your computed column is not persisted, it will be calculated every time you access it in e.g. a SELECT. If the data it's based on changes frequently, that might be okay.

If the data doesn't change frequently, e.g. if you have a computed column to turn your numeric OrderID INT into a human-readable ORD-0001234 or something like that, then definitely make your computed column persisted - in that case, the value will be computed and physically stored on disk, and any subsequent access to it is like reading any other column on your table - no re-computation over and over again.

We've also come to use (and highly appreciate!) computed columns to extract certain pieces of information from XML columns and surfacing them on the table as separate (persisted) columns. That makes querying against those items just much more efficient than constantly having to poke into the XML with XQuery to retrieve the information. For this use case, I think persisted computed columns are a great way to speed up your queries!

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marc_s Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09
