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What's wrong with comparing non-optional bool in a single if structure in swift


I have been coding in Swift for a while, and I think I had to put a ! on all my let field variables that were not defined immediately.

Now I notice today that this piece of code does not compile and I am really surprised? why is this?

class MyClass : Mapper {
    var a: Bool!

    required init?(_ map: Map) {

    // Mappable
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        a   <- map["a"]

let myClass = MyClass()

if myClass.a { // Compiler not happy
    //  Optional type 'Bool!' cannot be used as a boolean; test for '!= nil' instead

if true && myClass.a { // Compiler happy


if myClass.a && myClass.a { // Compiler happy


Apple Swift version 2.2

Some people point out why am I using a let for a variable that will never change. I mentioned it is for field variables but I shorten the example. When using ObjectMapper (http://github.com/Hearst-DD/ObjectMapper), all the fields are not defined immediately in the init. This is why they are all either optional? or required!

like image 495
jsgoupil Avatar asked May 06 '16 16:05


2 Answers

You can declare let a: Bool without a ! and without declaring true or false right then. The compiler will complain if it can't guarantee the value gets set before you use it though.

This works.

let a: Bool

a = true

if a { // Compiler happy


This works as well, because a is guaranteed to be set.

let a: Bool

if thingOne < thingTwo {
    a = true
} else {
    a = false

if a { // Compiler happy


However, this would not work because a is not guaranteed to be set before you try to use it.

let a: Bool

if thingOne < thingTwo {
    a = true

if a { // Compiler NOT happy
    // "Constant 'a' used before being initialized"

Now, if you can't guarantee that your variable will be set by the time you do the check, then you should really be using an optional var in the first place.

var a: Bool?

if a == true { // Compiler happy

like image 87
Mike Cole Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09

Mike Cole

A bit of history...

In Swift 1.0, it was possible to check if an optional variable optVar contained a value by just checking:

if optVar {
    println("optVar has a value")
} else {
    println("optVar is nil")

In The Swift Programming Language, the update for Swift 1.1 (dated 2014-10-16) stated:

Optionals no longer implicitly evaluate to true when they have a value and false when they do not, to avoid confusion when working with optional Bool values. Instead, make an explicit check against nil with the == or != operators to find out if an optional contains a value.

So, the nonsensical error message that you are getting was put there because the Swift compiler is interpreting your:

if a {

to mean:

if a != nil {

and it is encouraging you to test against nil to determine if the Optional a has a value.

Perhaps the Swift authors will change it in the future, but for now you will have to explicitly unwrap a:

if a! {

or check against true:

if a == true {

or (to be completely safe):

if a ?? false {
    print("this will not crash if a is nil")
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vacawama Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09
