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What's this? [field:SecurityCritical] [duplicate]



Looking at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher (as decompiled by Reflector) I came across;

[field: SecurityCritical]
public event DispatcherUnhandledExceptionFilterEventHandler UnhandledExceptionFilter;

I don't recognize the 'field' part of the attribute declaration, what is it?


This is how it appears in the reference source:

    public event DispatcherUnhandledExceptionFilterEventHandler UnhandledExceptionFilter
            _unhandledExceptionFilter += value;
            _unhandledExceptionFilter -= value;
like image 257
Grokodile Avatar asked Jun 06 '11 00:06


1 Answers

It just means that it's applying the attribute to the delegate that's backing the event, rather than the event itself.

Just like how property syntax is a shorthand, the code

event MyDelegate MyEvent;

is actually shorthand for

MyDelegate _BackingDelegate;

event MyDelegate MyEvent
    add { lock (this._BackingDelegate) this._BackingDelegate += value; }
    remove { lock (this._BackingDelegate) this._BackingDelegate -= value; }

IIRC*, and that attributes applies to _BackingDelegate and not MyEvent.

*Note: I'm not sure if there is a lock statement or not, but I think there is.

like image 81
user541686 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09
