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What's the time complexity of indexing a numpy array directly

I assume when having a numpy array, let's say

array([[  23425.     ,  521331.40625],
       [  23465.     ,  521246.03125],
       [  23505.     ,  528602.8125 ],
       [  23545.     ,  531934.75   ],
       [  23585.     ,  534916.375  ],
       [  23865.     ,  527971.1875 ]])

direct indexing must be pretty efficient.

I imagine something like that nArray[0, 1] = 69696420 must be using a hash-table which will give a time complexity close to O(1). Is that right?


As both answers noted, there is no hashing involved in indexing a numpy array. Both answers give a clear explanation about how the indexing happens.

update 2

I added a simple benchmarking to prove the validity of the answers

like image 647
LetsPlayYahtzee Avatar asked Feb 18 '16 14:02


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1 Answers

There is no hash table involved. Numpy arrays are arrays, just like the name implies, and the address is computed like this:

address of nArray[x, y] = base address + A * x + B * y
like image 136
Dietrich Epp Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10

Dietrich Epp