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What's the Pythonic way to write conditional statements based on installed modules?

Coming from a C++ world I got used to write conditional compilation based on flags that are determined at compilation time with tools like CMake and the like. I wonder what's the most Pythonic way to mimic this functionality. For instance, this is what I currently set depending on whether a module is found or not:

import imp

except ImportError:

Then I can use HAVE_PETSC throughout the rest of my Python code. This works, but I wonder if it's the right way to do it in Python.

like image 853
aaragon Avatar asked Aug 05 '19 15:08


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1 Answers

Yes, it is ok. You can even issue an import directly, and use the modulename itself as the flag - like in:

    import petsc4py
except ImportError
    petsc4py = None

And before any use, just test for the truthfulness of petsc4py itself.

Actually, checking if it exists, and only then trying to import it, feels unpythonic due to the redundancy, as both actions trigger an ImportError all the same. But having a HAVE_PETSC variable for the checkings is ok - it can be created after the try/except above with HAVE_PETSC = bool(petsc4py)

like image 62
jsbueno Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
