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What's the purpose of OutputMode in flatMapGroupsWithState? How/where is it used?

I'm exploring KeyValueGroupedDataset.flatMapGroupsWithState for arbitrary stateful aggregation in Spark Structured Streaming.

The signature of the KeyValueGroupedDataset.flatMapGroupsWithState operator is as follows:

flatMapGroupsWithState[S: Encoder, U: Encoder](
  outputMode: OutputMode,
  timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout)(
  func: (K, Iterator[V], GroupState[S]) => Iterator[U]): Dataset[U]

What's the purpose of the OutputMode argument?

While reviewing the source code (of the FlatMapGroupsWithStateExec that is the underlying physical operator) I could not find any place the OutputMode would be used.

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Jacek Laskowski Avatar asked Jul 07 '19 11:07

Jacek Laskowski

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1 Answers

Indeed, I didn't find any uses as well. I have several theories about that:

  1. The mode is here to stay consistent with the signature of org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.FlatMapGroupsWithState logical operator. If you check org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkStrategies.BasicOperators apply method, you will notice that very often the logical operator passes all its parameter to the physical operator. I'm not sure but it looks like a design guideline but it's only my supposition.

  2. It can also be a legacy reason. FlatMapGroupsWithState evolved from MapGroupsWithState in order to enforce output modes semantics. It was implemented in this PR: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/17197/files (SPARK-19858) with MapGroupsWithState renamed to FlatMapGroupsWithState and outputMode added as a parameter. Maybe - if my theory from previous point is wrong - it's simply here because it passed the PR and nobody wanted to complain about it because "it was already here" principle?

  3. Maybe in the future an outputMode will be passed to the mapping function? I found that the node used to save streaming aggregations (StateStoreSaveExec) uses output mode to figure out the entries to persist in the state store. Maybe it will be a new feature added soon for *withState transformation, as stated in the comment btw:

    • @param outputMode the output mode of func
like image 187
Bartosz Konieczny Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Bartosz Konieczny