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What's the proper technical term for "high ascii" characters?

What is the technically correct way of referring to "high ascii" or "extended ascii" characters? I don't just mean the range of 128-255, but any character beyond the 0-127 scope.

Often they're called diacritics, accented letters, sometimes casually referred to as "national" or non-English characters, but these names are either imprecise or they cover only a subset of the possible characters.

What correct, precise term that will programmers immediately recognize? And what would be the best English term to use when speaking to a non-technical audience?

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Marek Jedliński Avatar asked Oct 02 '09 17:10

Marek Jedliński

People also ask

What are the types of ASCII?

There are now two types of ASCII codes; the standard code that uses a seven-bit encoding system, and an extended code that uses an eight-bit system. It is pronounced ASK-y.

What is the highest unique code value in ASCII?

1 ASCII and Unicode The biggest number that can be held in 7-bits is 1111111 in binary (127 in decimal). Therefore 128 different characters can be represented in the ASCII character set (Using codes 0 to 127).

Why is Unicode called the most complete character code?

Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language.

What are ascii characters called?

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most common character encoding format for text data in computers and on the internet. In standard ASCII-encoded data, there are unique values for 128 alphabetic, numeric or special additional characters and control codes.

1 Answers

"Non-ASCII characters"

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Aardvark Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10
