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What's the preferred way of deploying a Symfony2 application?

With symfony 1, there was a simple built in task for doing deployments via rsync.

symfony project:deploy [--go] [--rsync-dir="..."] [--rsync-options[="..."]] server

For larger, more complicated projects, I was in the habit of extending or overwriting that task with something more robust, but it was useful to have in there for a simple application.

My question: Is there a standard, conventional way for deploying a Symfony2 application?

There are different bundles out there that add console commands:

  • https://github.com/dator/DeployBundle
  • https://github.com/jfsimon/DeploymentBundle

There is also Capifony, which is really interesting but probably way more than I need for the simple app I'm working on.

Is there something else that I'm missing? I guess I'm surprised there isn't a simple built in command available out of the box.

like image 775
Alex Gilbert Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 14:04

Alex Gilbert

2 Answers

I don't believe there is a standard, conventional way to deploy Symfony 2 applications yet, esspecially as Symfony 2 is still not at a stable release.

I highly recommened using Capifony, even for simple application deployment. It is well documented and is developed by KnpLabs so is likely to be supported long term.

like image 184
d.syph.3r Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10


If you don't want to deal with ruby and you liked the project:deploy command from Symfony 1.4 check this bundle

  • https://github.com/hpatoio/DeployBundle

You can easily install it using composer. Simply add "hpatoio/deploy-bundle": "~1.0" to your requirement.

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Hpatoio Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10
