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What's the point of the second argument in element.classList.toggle?

From MDN:

The toggle method has an optional second argument that will force the class name to be added or removed based on the truthiness of the second argument. For example, to remove a class (if it exists or not) you can call element.classList.toggle('classToBeRemoved', false); and to add a class (if it exists or not) you can call element.classList.toggle('classToBeAdded', true);

To my understanding, the classList is a token list, and lists, unlike arrays, can't have duplicate items. So adding an item to a list that already has it doesn't do anything and removing an item from a list that doesn't contain it (obviously) doesn't do anything, meaning that classList.toggle(className, true) is identical to classList.add(className) and classList.toggle(className, false) is identical to classList.remove(className).

Am I missing something?

P.S. no need to warn about IE compatibility issues.

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willlma Avatar asked May 14 '14 19:05


People also ask

What does the element classList toggle () method do?

toggle() The toggle() button is used for toggling classes to the element. It means adding a new class or removing the existing classes.

How does classList toggle work?

toggle() will add the CSS class if it does not exist in the classList array and return true . If the CSS class exists, the method will remove the class and return false . The classList. toggle() method supports adding and removing CSS classes whether they exist or not in your array with shorter lines of code.

What does element classList do?

The Element. classList is a read-only property that returns a live DOMTokenList collection of the class attributes of the element. This can then be used to manipulate the class list. Using classList is a convenient alternative to accessing an element's list of classes as a space-delimited string via element.

What is toggle used for in Javascript?

The toggle() method toggles between hide() and show() for the selected elements. This method checks the selected elements for visibility.

3 Answers

It would simply allow you to do something like this:

el.classList.toggle("abc", someBool);

instead of this:

if (someBool) {
} else {
like image 160
James Montagne Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

James Montagne

Unlike classList.add()/remove() classList.toggle() returns true when a class is added, and false when it’s removed — add() and remove() return undefined.

FYI IE11 doesn't support the optional 2nd add/remove param to classList.toggle().

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nevf Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10


classList.toggle like

el.classList.toggle("abc", someBool)  

is equivalent to :

let  hasClass  = el.classList.contains('abc')
if ( someBool && !hasClass ) el.classList.add('abc')
if (!someBool &&  hasClass ) el.classList.remove('abc')

To be more precise, with the return value:

function ToggleForce( element, nameOfClass, condition )
  let hasClass = element.classList.contains( nameOfClass )
  if ( condition != hasClass )
    if (hasClass) element.classList.remove( nameOfClass )
    else          element.classList.add( nameOfClass )
    // hasClass = !hasClass
  return condition // hasClass

The documentation on using this second argument force is a bit weak. Ultimately, the value of this condition determines whether the specified class(s) should be present(s) or not.
The subtlety of this argument is that it first checks whether it really needs to do an [add or remove] operation (a few microseconds saved?).
It's a bit counterintuitive, like many others I thought this boolean was being used to validate / invalidate the Toggle operation, and sure enough it seemed a little silly to me, the term Toggle might not be adequate, but now that I understand, I see no other possible.

(with some elements for comparisons)

function ToggleForce( element, nameOfClass, condition )
  let hasClass = element.classList.contains(nameOfClass)
  if ( condition != hasClass)
    if (hasClass) element.classList.remove(nameOfClass)
    else          element.classList.add(nameOfClass)
    // hasClass = !hasClass
  return condition

btAdd.onclick =_=> { pElem.classList.add('toYellow');   console.clear() }
btRem.onclick =_=> { pElem.classList.remove('toYellow');console.clear() }
btTog.onclick =_=>
  let res = pElem.classList.toggle('toYellow')
  console.log(`toggle simple  : return = ${res}`)
btTo5.onclick =_=>
  let res = pElem.classList.toggle('toYellow', val.valueAsNumber<5)
  console.log(`toggle force:(value < 5)=${val.valueAsNumber<5}, return=${res}`)
btToT.onclick =_=>
  let res = pElem.classList.toggle('toYellow', true)
  console.log(`toggle force:true, return=${res}`)
btToF.onclick =_=>
  let res = pElem.classList.toggle('toYellow', false)
  console.log(`toggle force:false, return=${res}`)
btForce.onclick =_=> 

  let condition  = (val.valueAsNumber < 5)
    , hasClass   = pElem.classList.contains('toYellow')
    ,  msg       = 'no change'
    , classOnOff = ToggleForce( pElem, 'toYellow', (val.valueAsNumber<5) )
  if ( condition && !hasClass ) msg = ' add class'
  if (!condition &&  hasClass ) msg = ' remove class'
  console.log(`return=${classOnOff}, condition=${condition}, hasClass=${hasClass}, --> ${msg}`)
.toYellow{ background: yellow; }
<p id="pElem">test zone for class .toYellow { background: yellow; } </p>

value : <input id="val" type="number" value="6">

<button id="btAdd"> Add class </button>
<button id="btRem"> Remove class </button>
<button id="btTog"> tooggle simple</button>
<button id="btTo5"> toggle('toYellow', value < 5) </button>
<button id="btToT"> tooggle true </button>
<button id="btToF"> tooggle false </button>
<button id=btForce> <b>toggle('toYellow', value < 5)</b> <br> simulated by Add / remove method </button>
like image 1
Mister Jojo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

Mister Jojo