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What's the opposite of od(1)?

Say I have 8b1f 0008 0231 49f6 0300 f1f3 75f4 0c72 f775 0850 7676 720c 560d 75f0 02e5 ce00 0861 1302 0000 0000, how can I easily get a binary file from that without copying+pasting into a hex editor?

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Michael Avatar asked Apr 27 '09 19:04


People also ask

What is the opposite of OD?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for overdose. deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency, undersupply.

What's the opposite integer of 1?

The opposite of a number is its additive inverse. The sum of a number and its opposite is zero. (This is sometimes called the property of opposites ). So, the opposite of −999 is 999 ; the opposite of 13 is −13 ; the opposite of 1 is −1 .

What's the opposite of 1?

Additive inverse of a number is a number which when added with the original number gives 0. Therefore, for 1, if we add -1, it gives 0. Therefore, the opposite of 1 is -1.

What is the opposite of positive 1?

Or another way to think about it, one is positive so its opposite is where you're going to change the sign. Instead of being positive it's going to be negative. It's going to be negative one.

2 Answers


% xxd -r -p in.txt out.bin
like image 70
Alnitak Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10


See xxd.

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Sophie Alpert Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10

Sophie Alpert