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What's the most unsound program you've had to maintain? [closed]

I periodically am called upon to do maintenance work on a system that was built by a real rocket surgeon. There's so much wrong with it that it's hard to know where to start.

No, wait, I'll start at the beginning: in the early days of the project, the designer was told that the system would need to scale, and he'd read that a source of scalability problems was traffic between the application and database servers, so he made sure to minimize this traffic. How? By putting all of the application logic in SQL Server stored procedures.

Seriously. The great bulk of the application functions by the HTML front end formulating XML messages. When the middle tier receives an XML message, it uses the document element's tag name as the name of the stored procedure it should call, and calls the SP, passing it the entire XML message as a parameter. It takes the XML message that the SP returns and returns it directly back to the front end. There is no other logic in the application tier.

(There was some code in the middle tier to validate the incoming XML messages against a library of schemas. But I removed it, after ascertaining that 1) only a small handful of messages had corresponding schemas, 2) the messages didn't actually conform to these schemas, and 3) after validating the messages, if any errors were encountered, the method discarded them. "This fuse box is a real time-saver - it comes from the factory with pennies pre-installed!")

I've seen software that does the wrong thing before. Lots of it. I've written quite a bit. But I've never seen anything like the steely-eyed determination to do the wrong thing, at every possible turn, that's embodied in the design and programming of this system.

Well, at least he went with what he knew, right? Um. Apparently, what he knew was Access. And he didn't really understand Access. Or databases.

Here's a common pattern in this code:

SELECT @TestCodeID FROM TestCode WHERE TestCode = @TestCode

SELECT @CountryID FROM Country WHERE CountryAbbr = @CountryAbbr

SELECT Invoice.*, TestCode.*, Country.*
   FROM Invoice
   JOIN TestCode ON Invoice.TestCodeID = TestCode.ID
   JOIN Country ON Invoice.CountryID = Country.ID
   WHERE Invoice.TestCodeID = @TestCodeID AND Invoice.CountryID = @CountryID

Okay, fine. You don't trust the query optimizer either. But how about this? (Originally, I was going to post this in What's the best comment in source code you have ever encountered? but I realized that there was so much more to write about than just this one comment, and things just got out of hand.) At the end of many of the utility stored procedures, you'll see code that looks like the following:

-- Fix NULLs
SET @TargetValue = ISNULL(@TargetValue, -9999)

Yes, that code is doing exactly what you can't allow yourself to believe it's doing lest you be driven mad. If the variable contains a NULL, he's alerting the caller by changing its value to -9999. Here's how this number is commonly used:

-- Get target value
EXEC ap_GetTargetValue @Param1, @Param2, OUTPUT @TargetValue
-- Check target value for NULL value
IF @TargetValue = -9999


For another dimension of this system, see the article on thedailywtf.com entitled I Think I'll Call Them "Transactions". I'm not making any of this up. I swear.

I'm often reminded, when I work on this system, of Wolfgang Pauli's famous response to a student: "That isn't right. It isn't even wrong."

This can't really be the very worst program ever. It's definitely the worst one I've worked on in my entire 30-year (yikes) career. But I haven't seen everything. What have you seen?

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Robert Rossney Avatar asked Oct 18 '08 10:10

Robert Rossney

4 Answers

I once tried to write an MP3 decoder. It didn't work.

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C. Broadbent Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11

C. Broadbent

I maintained ExtUtils::MakeMaker. MakeMaker is certainly not the worst code I've had to maintain; it's actually an engineering marvel. However, it is in that unique class of coding horrors wherein the most mission-critical code is also the most terrifying.

MakeMaker is the installer for most Perl modules. When you run "Makefile.PL" you are invoking MakeMaker. If MakeMaker breaks, Perl breaks. Perl runs on everything, so MakeMaker has to run on everything. When I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. Every bizarre Unix variant. Windows 95 on up. And VMS. Yes, VMS.

What does MakeMaker do? Makefile.PL is a Perl program that writes a Makefile which contains shell commands, which often run Perl, to build and install a Perl module. Let me repeat: It writes shell commands to run Perl. Perl, the language which replaces shell scripts.

Oh, it can also compile and link C code. And it can also statically link Perl modules into perl. Oh, and it can manage RCS checkouts. Oh, and roll tarballs of your distribution... and zip files. And do all this other stuff vaguely related to installing modules.

And it has to do all this in a portable, backwards compatible fashion. It has to deal with variants of and bugs in...

  • make (GNU make, BSD make, nmake, dmake, mms, mmk to name a few)
  • shell
  • Perl
  • The filesystem (if you don't think that's a big deal, try VMS)
  • C compilers & linkers

It absolutely, positively can not fail and must remain 100% backwards compatible.

Oh, and it has very little in the way of a real extension API, so it has to remain compatible with the ad hoc Makefile hackery people have to do to extend it.

Why does it do all this? 15 years ago when Perl only ran on Unix this seemed like a great idea. Why write a whole build system when you can just use make? Perl's a text processing language; we'll just use it to write a Makefile!

Fortunately there is a replacement, Module::Build, and I pinned my hopes that it would swiftly kill MakeMaker. But its uptake has been slow and the community very resistant to the change, so I'm stuck maintaining MakeMaker.

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Schwern Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 17:11


What’s the most unsound program you’ve had to maintain?

Everything I've ever written!

Seriously. The more I read blogs, listen to podcasts, and follow sites like this, the more I learn every day. And every day I basically realize everything I wrote yesterday is wrong in some way. I feel for the poor saps that are maintaining the things I wrote early in my career.

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Rob Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 17:11


The one I have just started on.

  1. No Source control.
  2. All source is edited live. To stop mistakes, there are backup files like db-access.php.070821 littering the source tree.
  3. The code is exceptionally brittle - there is very little in the way of error checking and absolutely no fall back if it does.
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graham.reeds Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11
