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What's the most elegant way to convert requests' response to DRF response in Django?

Consider the following flow:

public client ----> DRF API on Service A ------> DRF API on Service B

Some of the DRF API on Service A merely proxying to Service B, so in the particular API on Service A looks like this:

class SomeServiceAPI(APIView):
    def get(request):
        resp = requests.get('http://service-b.com/api/...')
        return Response(resp.json())

While this works on normal status, but it has a few issues:

  1. It doesn't proxy the actual status code from service b.
  2. Unnecessary round-trip of json serialization within Response()
  3. If service b returns a non-json error, service does not return actual error from service b.

The question is, is there a better way to do it? I had a look at Django Rest Framework Proxy project, but I am not entirely sure if it actually suits my use case here.

like image 391
James Lin Avatar asked Aug 10 '17 09:08

James Lin

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Django REST framework (DRF) is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs. Its main benefit is that it makes serialization much easier.

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2 Answers

  1. You can solve the status code part by modifying your Response:

    return Response(resp.json(), status=resp.status_code)
  2. For the second part though, this is the essence of Proxying... (True, sometimes you want to manipulate the request and/or the response in the middleman of the proxy, but what you do is the essence).


  • The DRF Proxy that you are suggesting seems to do the job just fine, without the need for you to write a specific view just for the roundtrip.
  • There exist another tool, DRF Reverse Proxy which is a DRF port of Django Revproxy and you may want to consider.

The general idea of both of the above is that you create a URL path specifically to Proxy the path to another API:

DRF Proxy:

Add your proxy to settings.py:

    'HOST': 'http://service-b.com/api/'

In urls.py:


DRF Reverse Proxy:

Pretty much similar with the above, without the settings part:


Opinion: the DRF Proxy seems more solid...

like image 150
John Moutafis Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11

John Moutafis

I had a look at both existing packages mentioned in John's answer but they don't seem to perfectly suit in my use case, so I have created a simple wrapper to proxy the requests' response to DRF response.

# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import
from rest_framework.response import Response
from requests.models import Response as RResponse

class InCompatibleError(Exception):

class DRFResponseWrapper(Response):
    Wraps the requests' response
    def __init__(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(data, RResponse):
            raise InCompatibleError

        status = data.status_code
        content_type = data.headers.get('content_type')

            content = data.json()
            content = data.content

        super(DRFResponseWrapper, self).__init__(content, status=status, content_type=content_type)

And use as below:

    resp = requests.get(
        '{}://{}/api/v5/business/'.format(settings.SEARCH_HOST_SCHEMA, settings.SEARCH_HOST),
    return DRFResponseWrapper(resp)
like image 20
James Lin Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 03:11

James Lin