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What's the most efficient way to check if a record exists in Oracle?





select decode(count(*), 0, 'N', 'Y') rec_exists from (select 'X'       from dual       where exists (select 'X'                     from sales                     where sales_type = 'Accessories')); 


select decode(count(*), 0, 'N', 'Y') rec_exists from (select 'X'       from sales       where sales_type = 'Accessories');  

C) Something else (specify)

EDIT: It was hard to pick the "correct" answer, as the best approach depends on what you want to do after checking if the value exists, as pointed out by APC. I ended up picking the answer by RedFilter, since I had originally envisioned this check as a function by itself.

like image 507
Zesty Avatar asked Aug 08 '10 13:08


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Type a short Oracle program, using the following code as a guide: DECLARE record_exists INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO record_exists FROM your_table WHERE search_field = 'search value' AND ROWNUM = 1; IF record_exists = 1 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT. put_line('Record Exists') ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.

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The SQL EXISTS Operator The EXISTS operator is used to test for the existence of any record in a subquery. The EXISTS operator returns TRUE if the subquery returns one or more records.

1 Answers

select case              when exists (select 1                           from sales                           where sales_type = 'Accessories')              then 'Y'              else 'N'          end as rec_exists from dual; 
like image 110
D'Arcy Rittich Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10

D'Arcy Rittich