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What's the main difference between Java SE and Java EE? [duplicate]

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What are the differences between Java EE and Jakarta EE?

“Java EE is under new management,” says Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. A bit of a quick history lesson, courtesy of Milinkovich: Oracle contributed Java EE to Eclipse in 2017, and it became an open source project. Subsequently, the name was changed to Jakarta EE.

What is the difference between Java JRE and SE?

JDK is the Java Development Kit, JRE is the Java Runtime Environment, Java SE is the standard edition, and so on. But the version 6 (1.6) is becoming antiquated.

Should I learn Java SE or EE?

For all intents and purposes, Java and Java SE are the same thing. When you say you are learning Java SE, it means you are learning Java, its syntax, features and standard libraries. You cannot learn Java EE before learning these skills.

What is the difference between Java EE and Spring?

JavaEE is used for web development. Spring is used for a template design for an application.

Java SE (formerly J2SE) is the basic Java environment. In Java SE, you make all the "standards" programs with Java, using the API described here. You only need a JVM to use Java SE.

Java EE (formerly J2EE) is the enterprise edition of Java. With it, you make websites, Java Beans, and more powerful server applications. Besides the JVM, you need an application server Java EE-compatible, like Glassfish, JBoss, and others.

Java SE stands for Java standard edition and is normally for developing desktop applications, forms the core/base API.

Java EE stands for Java enterprise edition for applications which run on servers, for example web sites.

Java ME stands for Java micro edition for applications which run on resource constrained devices (small scale devices) like cell phones, for example games.


As far as the language goes it is not as though java changes. Java EE has access to all of the SE libraries. However EE adds a set of libraries for dealing with enterprise applications.

Java EE is more like a "platform" or an general area of development.

In Java SE you write applications that run as standalone java programs or as Applets. In JavaEE you can still do this, but you can also write applications that run inside of a Java EE container. The container can do a great amount of management for you such as scaling an application across threads, providing resource pools, and management features.

Java EE has a web framework based upon Servlets. It has JSP (Java Server Pages) which is a templating language that compiles from JSP to a Java servlet where it can be run by the container.

So Java EE is more or less Java SE + Enterprise platform technologies.

Java EE is far more than just a couple of extra libraries (that is what I thought when I first looked at it) since there are a ton of frameworks and technologies built upon the Java EE specifications.

But it all boils down to just plain old java.

Java SE refers to the standard version of Java and its libraries. Java EE refers to the Enterprise edition of Java which is used to deploy web applications.

Java EE is enterprise edition.

Includes jsp, servlets, beans, and some other stuff for server programming.

Java SE is standard edition. This is plain old Java. Includes GUI stuff.

First, J2SE and J2EE have been renamed. They're now Java SE and Java EE.

Essentially, Java SE is your standard Java designed for end-users. That's what you'd develop to for desktop applications. Java EE is the enterprise edition, designed for server programming, such as SOA and web applications.