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What's the fastest way to determine a full URL from a relative URL (given a base URL)

I'm currently using the module URI::URL to generate a full URL from a relative URL; however, it isn't running as fast as I'd like it to be. Does anyone know another way to do this that may be faster?

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lennysan Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 04:01


2 Answers

Just happened across this article which point out shortcomings in Redhat/Centos/Fedora implementations of Perl which affect URI profoundly.

If you are running one of these Linux flavours, you might want to recompile Perl from original source (not RPM source).

I realized that anyone running perl code with the distribution perl interpretter on Redhat 5.2, Centos 5.2 or Fedora 9 is likely a victim. Yes, even if your code doesn’t use the fancy bless/overload idiom, many CPAN modules do! This google search shows 1500+ modules use the bless/overload idiom and they include some really popular ones like URI, JSON. ...

... At this point, I decided to recompile perl from source. The bug was gone. And the difference was appalling. Everything got seriously fast. CPUs were chilling at a loadavg below 0.10 and we were processing data 100x to 1000x faster!

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Brendan Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 16:01


The following code should work.

$uri = URI->new_abs( $str, $base_uri )

You should also take a look at the URI page on search.cpan.org.

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Peter Stuifzand Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 17:01

Peter Stuifzand