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what's the double arrow (<<: *django) means in dockerfile?




I see something like

     <<: *django

in https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-django example docker files.

What does it mean? I can't google <<: *

like image 873
eugene Avatar asked Apr 28 '18 04:04


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1 Answers

<< and * are both YAML keys (you can also think of them as operators). And one more key related to your question is &.

In YAML, you can define anchors and later use them. For example,

foo: &myanchor
  key1: "val1"
  key2: "val2"

bar: *myanchor

In this code snippet, & defines an anchor names it myanchor, and *myanchor references that anchor. Now both foo and bar have the same keys and values.

<< is called the YAML merge key. You can compare it to class inheritance in OOP (not so accurate, but can help you understand). See below example.

foo: &myanchor
  key1: "val1"
  key2: "val2"

  << : *myanchor
  key2: "val2-new"
  key3: "val3"

In this code snippet, we merge keys and values from foo to bar but override the key2 to a new value. And we add a new key-value pair to bar.

Now bar has the following value: {"bar": {"key1": "val1", "key2": val2-new", "key3": "val3"}}.

Hope that helps.

like image 59
Yuankun Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10
