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What's the difference between ThreadPool vs Pool in the multiprocessing module?

Whats the difference between ThreadPool and Pool in multiprocessing module. When I try my code out, this is the main difference I see:

from multiprocessing import Pool import os, time  print("hi outside of main()")  def hello(x):     print("inside hello()")     print("Proccess id: ", os.getpid())     time.sleep(3)     return x*x  if __name__ == "__main__":     p = Pool(5)     pool_output = p.map(hello, range(3))      print(pool_output) 

I see the following output:

hi outside of main() hi outside of main() hi outside of main() hi outside of main() hi outside of main() hi outside of main() inside hello() Proccess id:  13268 inside hello() Proccess id:  11104 inside hello() Proccess id:  13064 [0, 1, 4] 

With "ThreadPool":

from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool import os, time  print("hi outside of main()")  def hello(x):     print("inside hello()")     print("Proccess id: ", os.getpid())     time.sleep(3)     return x*x  if __name__ == "__main__":     p = ThreadPool(5)     pool_output = p.map(hello, range(3))      print(pool_output) 

I see the following output:

hi outside of main() inside hello() inside hello() Proccess id:  15204 Proccess id:  15204 inside hello() Proccess id:  15204 [0, 1, 4] 

My questions are:

  • why is the “outside __main__()” run each time in the Pool?

  • multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool doesn't spawn new processes? It just creates new threads?

  • If so whats the difference between using multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool as opposed to just threading module?

I don't see any official documentation for ThreadPool anywhere, can someone help me out where I can find it?

like image 762
ozn Avatar asked Sep 05 '17 01:09


People also ask

What is multiprocessing Threadpool?

Threadpool uses threads to run the worker's logic while multiprocessing. Pool uses worker processes.

What is Threadpool in Python?

A thread pool may be defined as the group of pre-instantiated and idle threads, which stand ready to be given work. Creating thread pool is preferred over instantiating new threads for every task when we need to do large number of tasks.

What is the difference between pool and process in Python?

While the Process keeps all the processes in the memory, the Pool keeps only those that are under execution. Therefore, if you have a large number of tasks, and if they have more data and take a lot of space too, then using process class might waste a lot of memory. The overhead of creating a Pool is more.

What is Python multiprocessing pool?

The Pool class in multiprocessing can handle an enormous number of processes. It allows you to run multiple jobs per process (due to its ability to queue the jobs). The memory is allocated only to the executing processes, unlike the Process class, which allocates memory to all the processes.

1 Answers

The multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool behaves the same as the multiprocessing.Pool with the only difference that uses threads instead of processes to run the workers logic.

The reason you see

hi outside of main() 

being printed multiple times with the multiprocessing.Pool is due to the fact that the pool will spawn 5 independent processes. Each process will initialize its own Python interpreter and load the module resulting in the top level print being executed again.

Note that this happens only if the spawn process creation method is used (only method available on Windows). If you use the fork one (Unix), you will see the message printed only once as for the threads.

The multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool is not documented as its implementation has never been completed. It lacks tests and documentation. You can see its implementation in the source code.

I believe the next natural question is: when to use a thread based pool and when to use a process based one?

The rule of thumb is:

  • IO bound jobs -> multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool
  • CPU bound jobs -> multiprocessing.Pool
  • Hybrid jobs -> depends on the workload, I usually prefer the multiprocessing.Pool due to the advantage process isolation brings

On Python 3 you might want to take a look at the concurrent.future.Executor pool implementations.

like image 104
noxdafox Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
