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What's the difference between these T-SQL queries using OR?

I use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1, x64). I have two queries that do the same, or so I think, but they are have completely different query plans and performance.

Query 1:

FROM table_c
WHERE c_b_id IN (SELECT b_id FROM table_b WHERE b_z = 1)
  OR  c_a_id IN (SELECT a_id FROM table_a WHERE a_z = 1)

Query 2:

FROM table_c
LEFT JOIN (SELECT b_id FROM table_b WHERE b_z = 1) AS b ON c_b_id = b_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT a_id FROM table_a WHERE a_z = 1) AS a ON c_a_id = a_id
  OR  a_id IS NOT NULL

Query 1 is fast as I would expect, whereas query 2 is very slow. The query plans look quite different.

I would like query 2 to be as fast as query 1. I have software that uses query 2, and I cannot change that into query 1. I can change the database.

Some questions:

  • why are the query plans different?
  • can I "teach" SQL Server somehow that query 2 is equal to query 1?

All tables have (clustered) primary keys and proper indexes on all columns:

CREATE TABLE table_a (
  a_pk   int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
  a_id   int NOT NULL UNIQUE,
  a_z    int
CREATE INDEX IX_table_a_z ON table_a (a_z)

CREATE TABLE table_b (
  b_pk   int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
  b_id   int NOT NULL UNIQUE,
  b_z    int
CREATE INDEX IX_table_b_z ON table_b (b_z)

CREATE TABLE table_c (
  c_pk   int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
  c_a_id int,
  c_b_id int
CREATE INDEX IX_table_c_a_id ON table_c (c_a_id)
CREATE INDEX IX_table_c_b_id ON table_c (c_b_id)

The tables are not modified after filling initially. I'm the only one querying them. They contains millions of records (table_a: 5M, table_b: 4M, table_c: 12M), but using only 1% gives similar results.

Edit: I tried adding FOREIGN KEYs for c_a_id and c_b_id, but that only made query 1 slower...

I hope someone can have a look at the query plans and explain the difference.

like image 326
Michel de Ruiter Avatar asked Mar 13 '12 11:03

Michel de Ruiter

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1 Answers

Join are slower, let me say by design. First query uses a sub-query (cacheable) to filter records so it'll produce less data (and less accesses to each table).

Did you read these:

  • http://www.sql-server-performance.com/2006/tuning-joins/
  • http://blogs.msdn.com/b/craigfr/archive/2006/12/04/semi-join-transformation.aspx

What I mean is that with IN the DB can do better optimizations like removing duplicates, stop at first match and similar (and these are from school memories so I'm sure it'll do much better). So I guess the question isn't why QP is different but how smart how deep optimizations can go.

like image 127
Adriano Repetti Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 10:10

Adriano Repetti