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What's the difference between managed C++ and C#?

The major advantage I see for using C++ instead of C# is compiling to native code, so we get better performance. C# is easier, but compiles to managed code.

Why would anyone use managed C++ for? What advantages it gives us?

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Doug Avatar asked Jan 28 '10 01:01


People also ask

What is difference between managed and unmanaged code?

Difference between managed and unmanaged code? Managed code is the one that is executed by the CLR of the . NET framework while unmanaged or unsafe code is executed by the operating system. The managed code provides security to the code while undamaged code creates security threats.

Is C++ managed or unmanaged?

When not specified, C++ is unmanaged C++, compiled to machine code. In unmanaged C++ you must manage memory allocation manually. Managed C++ is a language invented by Microsoft, that compiles to bytecode run by the . NET Framework.

What is the difference between C++ and C++/CLI?

C++ runs directly as binary complied for your hardware. C++ cli is a c++ extension that is used to interface with the MS common language runtime. It complies to IL normally and is executed inside the . net runtime.

What is managed code in C sharp?

To put it very simply, managed code is just that: code whose execution is managed by a runtime. In this case, the runtime in question is called the Common Language Runtime or CLR, regardless of the implementation (for example, Mono, . NET Framework, or . NET Core/.

2 Answers

Managed C++ and C++/CLI allow you to easily write managed code that interacts with native C++.

This is especially useful when migrating an existing system to .Net and when working in scientific contexts with calculations that must be run in C++.

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SLaks Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09


Managed c++ allows to more easily interop between native code, and managed code. For instance, if you have a library in c++ (.cpp files and .h files), you can link them into your project, and create the appropriate CLR objects, and simply call the native code from within your CLR objects:

#include "yourcoollibrary.h"

namespace DotNetLibraryNamespace
    public ref class DotNetClass

        property System::String ^Foo
            System::String ^get()
                return gcnew System::String(c.data.c_str());
            void set(System::String ^str)
                marshal_context ctx;
                c.data = ctx.marshal_as<const char *>(str);

        NativeClassInMyCoolLibrary c;
like image 44
FryGuy Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09
