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What's the difference between knex.raw() and knex.schema.raw()?



knex.raw(sql, bindings) and knex.schema.raw(statement).

It seems that these two functions have different signature.

If they are equivalent, how can I use knex.schema.raw(statement) and pass bindings to it?

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slideshowp2 Avatar asked Dec 11 '18 05:12


People also ask


Sequelize is an ORM that includes some query builder stuff; Knex is just a query builder, not an ORM.

What is KNEX NPM?

js (pronounced /kəˈnɛks/) is a "batteries included" SQL query builder for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Better-SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.

Does Sequelize use KNEX?

Sequelize offers a . query() method to execute raw SQL as if you were using the underlying database driver. With both the Bookshelf and Objection ORMs you get access to the raw Knex object which you provide during instantiation and can use that for its Query Builder powers.

What is KNEX JS?

Intro to Knex Knex. js is a “batteries-included” query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3, Oracle, Amazon Redshift, and many other database drivers. We simply install the Knex library and the appropriate driver to query the database. Primarily made for Node. js, Knex supports both Node-style callbacks and promises.

1 Answers

knex.raw creates query builder instance which can be executed right away.

With knex.schema.* things work a bit different manner. Knex schema methods creates an array of queries, which are then executed one by one when schema builder is resolved.

So for example if you do knex.schema.createTable(t => ...).raw('DROP ALL').toSQL() you will see that there are multiple queries generated and they all will be executed when schema builder is triggered.

If you do just await knex.schema.raw('SELECT 1') or await knex.raw('SELECT 1'), there won't be any differences. But with knex.schema.raw you can also do:

await knex.schema.raw('SELECT 1').raw('SELECT 2');

Which returns an array where results of both of the queries are found. So it is totally possible to exploit that feature also for running multiple queries one after another like this:

await knex.schema
  .raw('?', [knex('table1').where('id', 1)])
  .raw('?', [knex('table2').where('id', 2)]);

Also knex.schema.raw doesn't return QueryBuilder, but it returns SchemaBuilder with different methods available.

So knex.schema.raw cannot be used as a part of normal queries for example in knex('table').where(knex.raw('id = 1'))

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Mikael Lepistö Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10

Mikael Lepistö