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What's the difference between installing 32bit or 64bit apps on a 64bit Windows?

So apparently, you can install both 32bit and 64bit compiled applications on a 64bit Windows system (Vista or 7).

What's the reason why both versions are able to run on the 64bit OS? Is it good practice to install 64bit apps on 64bit OS? Any advantages/disadvantages to combining 32bit apps with a 64bit OS?


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Alex Avatar asked Nov 02 '10 13:11


People also ask

What's the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit apps?

Simply put, a 64-bit processor is more capable than a 32-bit processor because it can handle more data at once. A 64-bit processor can store more computational values, including memory addresses, which means it can access over 4 billion times the physical memory of a 32-bit processor. That's just as big as it sounds.

Should I use 32-bit or 64-bit Windows?

Windows 10 64-bit is recommended if you have 4 GB or more RAM. Windows 10 64-bit supports up to 2 TB of RAM, while Windows 10 32-bit can utilize up to 3.2 GB. The memory address space for 64-bit Windows is much larger, which means you need twice as much memory than 32-bit Windows to accomplish some of the same tasks.

Do 64-bit programs run faster than 32-bit?

² Performing a 64-bit operation on a 64-bit operating system is faster than performing it on a 32-bit operating system - it would take at least 2 32-bit operations to perform the same thing. Stability wise there should be no difference between 64-bit and 32-bit applications.

What happens if you download 32-bit on 64-bit?

To put it in simple words, if you run a 32-bit program on a 64-bit machine, it will work fine, and you won't encounter any problems. Backward compatibility is an important part when it comes to computer technology. Therefore, 64 bit systems can support and run 32-bit applications.

2 Answers

What's the reason why both versions are able to run on the 64bit OS?

If the OS couldn't run any old (32bit) apps, nobody would want to use it. So they had to find a way.

Is it good practice to install 64bit apps on 64bit OS?

Generally yes, they can use more memory and may run somewhat faster. However, it's not possible for a 64bit app to call a 32bit DLL, so you can run into problems.

Any advantages/disadvantages to combining 32bit apps with a 64bit OS?

Not really, except of course that they won't be able to use more than 4GB RAM, and may run a bit slower than they would on a 32bit OS on the same hardware.

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Michael Borgwardt Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Michael Borgwardt

The 64-bit versions of Windows come with a Windows on Windows 64 (WOW64) Subsystem that allow it to run the 32bit applications. The whole process is actually quite complex and you can read about it at:

How Windows 7 / Vista 64 Support 32 Bit Applications

If you have a 64-bit OS and the application vendor provides a 64bit version, install it. If not, installing the 32-bit version won't hurt.

There is a distinct advantage to being able to combine 32-bit and 64-bit applications on the same machine in the fact that not all vendors provide 64-bit versions of their applications. An OS that allows you to run both will give you access to the broader set of software available to consumers.

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Justin Niessner Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Justin Niessner