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What's the difference between i386, armv7 and armv7s?



I would like to know the difference between those architectures in Xcode because I need to know how I understand that a library can compile correctly for iOS Simulator and also for iPhone 5, iPhone 4s and iPhone 4. Or just for one of those.

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Mr. Frank Avatar asked Apr 23 '13 16:04

Mr. Frank

1 Answers

  • i386: Typically MacOSX (I am not sure whether Simulator is included here or no).
  • arm6: old iPhones.
  • arm7: iPhone4/4S.
  • arm7s: additional instructions for arm7 to make good use of iPhone 5 processor.

Hope this helps. Compiling libraries to support all platforms sometimes is very frustrating and tedious task. Good luck!

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dmee3 Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 09:11
