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What's the difference between firebase cloud messaging & firebase notifications?


in the new Firebase 3.0, i am trying to get my head around when to use Firebase Cloud messaging and when to use Firebase Notifications.

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jasan Avatar asked May 20 '16 05:05


People also ask

What does Firebase Cloud Messaging do?

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) provides a reliable and battery-efficient connection between your server and devices that allows you to deliver and receive messages and notifications on iOS, Android, and the web at no cost.

What are the two types of messages in Firebase Cloud Messaging?

Using Firebase Cloud Messaging, we can send three types of messages, i.e., Notification Message, Data Message, and the message with both Notification & Data Payload.

When should I use Firebase Cloud Messaging?

Firebase Cloud Messaging is the tool used to send push notifications to single or a group of devices. Firebase Cloud Messaging: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably send messages at no cost.

Is Firebase Cloud Messaging really free?

Firebase Cloud Messaging is free of charge, just like Google Cloud Messaging was. The Firebase pricing page shows exactly what Firebase features are paid.

1 Answers

Firebase Cloud Messaging is the library that you need to use in your application to receive cloud messages. It includes client APIs (multi-platform) to receive messages, and server APIs (HTTP and XMPP) to send messages.

Firebase Notifications is the tool integrated in the Firebase Console to schedule cloud messages. This also includes the integration with Firebase Analytics to target analytics-based audiences and track opening and conversion events.

Hope this will help to understand the difference :)

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Diego Giorgini Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10

Diego Giorgini