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What's the difference between .DLLs in lib and ref folders in .NET Core 2.0 SDK?

Each DLL in .NET Core 2.0 SDK comes in two copies (they have different content and file size). For instance:

"c:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.0.0\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\net461\ref\System.Threading.Thread.dll" (14432 bytes)

"c:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.0.0\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\net461\lib\System.Threading.Thread.dll" (14352 bytes)

What's the difference between them (and the purpose of having two)?

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Alex Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 09:08


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1 Answers

So as Hans Passant already mentioned, "reference" assemblies are used to build programs, which means that this is the assembly that is passed to the compiler as a reference. At runtime however, the implementation might be different. Apart from the framework itself, this may be used by any NuGet package that distributes a single compile-time reference assembly but a variety of implementation assemblies for each target (.NET Core, .NET Framework, MonoAndroid etc.). The lib folder in NuGet packages can even be used to add more private implementation assemblies that it doesn't want consuming applications to reference directly.

Reference assemblies only have "stub" methods so that the available API surface is defined and can be inspected by the compiler.

However, you are mentioning the Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions folder. It follows the structure of a NuGet package (since that is how it is built and integrated into the SDK), but it has a completely different purpose than a normal library you'd use. It is used to allow .NET Standard libraries to run on partly-compatible versions of .NET Framework. It works by adding the implementation assemblies to the build output - but these are a special as they only forward to corresponding .NET Framework types and add API surface that throws PlatformNotSupportedExceptionfor types that are available in .NET Standard but not implemented by the .NET Framework. E.g. a .NET Standard 1.* library would reference System.Objectfrom System.Runtime.dll and a .NET Standard 2.0 library would reference it from netstandard.dll. The Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions contains both a System.Runtime.dll and a netstandard.dll that contain type forwarding declarations to forward to .NET Framework's mscorlib.dll. This works similar for other types and assemblies.

These assemblies are only added when necessary. .NET Framework 4.7.1 will contain all these assemblies and forwards so no additional files will be added to the build output.

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Martin Ullrich Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Martin Ullrich