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What's the difference between client id and tenant id?

Azure requires multiple IDs to create application ServicePrincipal credentials.

What's the difference between the client id and tenant id?

Why does Azure require separate IDs?

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Bryce Guinta Avatar asked Jan 02 '19 15:01

Bryce Guinta

People also ask

What is client ID and tenant ID in Azure?

Tenant Id - this is the unique identifier of the Azure Active Directory instance. Client Id - this identifier will be assigned when Seq is set up as an application in the directory instance (the new Azure portal calls this Application Id) Client Key - this is the secret key Seq will use when communicating with AAD.

What is the tenant ID?

Your Microsoft 365 tenant ID is a globally unique identifier (GUID) that is different than your organization name or domain. You may need this identifier when you configure OneDrive policies. Your tenant ID can be found in the Tenant ID box on the Properties page.

1 Answers

An application ID is the ID of the specific application you have created in Azure Active Directory, you will likely have many applications for different purposes. Each application can have different users assigned access, different criteria for access (MFA, conditional access etc.) and will be configured to authenticate users for different real applications or purposes. Each Azure AD application has a unique ID, and this ID is what you give your application to use to talk to it when processing logins etc.

All of your applications sit within an Azure Active Directory instance, or as MS like to call it, a tenant. The tenant ID identifies which Azure AD instance the application sits under, so Azure knows where to look when you request things using that applicaiton ID.

I suppose in theory if Applicaiton IDs were unique globally then you could work out the tenant from the App ID, but that isn't how MS set it up.

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Sam Cogan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09

Sam Cogan