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What's the difference between calling Double.valueOf(String s) and new Double(String s)?



So I've got a String and I want to create a Double object with the String as a value.

I can call

Double myDouble = new Double (myString);

or I can call

Double myDouble = Double.valueOf(myString);

Is there a difference? I'm guessing the first guarantees a new object is created on the heap and the second might re-use an existing object.

For extra credit: the string might be null, in which case I want the Double to be null, but both the above throw a NullPointerException. Is there a way of writing

Double myDouble = myString == null ? null : Double.valueOf(myString);

in less code?

like image 815
Rob Gilliam Avatar asked Jan 21 '11 11:01

Rob Gilliam

People also ask

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valueOf() creates a Double object which is often not needed. parseDouble() does not. With autoboxing it's valueOf(String) which is no longer needed, but is therefore backward compatibility.

What is double valueOf?

Returns. a Double object holding the value represented by the String argument.

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The parseDouble() method of Java Double class is a built in method in Java that returns a new double initialized to the value represented by the specified String, as done by the valueOf method of class Double.

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1 Answers

Depends on the implementation. openJDK 6 b14 uses this implementation of Double(String s):


So it calls valueOf(String s) internally and must be less efficient compared to calling that method directly.

like image 64
Andreas Dolk Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 16:10

Andreas Dolk