What's the difference between |
and ||
in Javascript?
Furthermore, what's the difference between &
and &&
The | operator evaluates both operands even if the left-hand operand evaluates to true, so that the operation result is true regardless of the value of the right-hand operand. The conditional logical OR operator ||, also known as the "short−circuiting" logical OR operator, computes the logical OR of its operands.
We use the symbol || to denote the OR operator. This operator will only return false when both conditions are false. This means that if both conditions are true, we would get true returned, and if one of both conditions is true, we would also get a value of true returned to us.
Logical OR operator: || The logical OR operator ( || ) returns the boolean value true if either or both operands is true and returns false otherwise.
The main difference is that nullish coalescing(??) operator will only give the result as the right operand only if the left operand is either null or undefined . Whereas the OR(||) operator will give the result as right operand for all the falsy values of the left operand.
is a bitwise or, ||
is a logical or.
A bitwise or takes the two numbers and compares them on a bit-by-bit basis, producing a new integer which combines the 1 bits from both inputs. So 0101 | 1010
would produce 1111
A logical or ||
checks for the "truthiness" of a value (depends on the type, for integers 0 is false and non-zero is true). It evaluates the statement left to right, and returns the first value which is truthy. So 0101 || 1010
would return 0101
which is truthy, therefore the whole statement is said to be true.
The same type of logic applies for &
vs &&
. 0101 & 1010
= 0000
. However 0101 && 1010
evaluates to 1010
returns the last truthy value so long as both operands are truthy).
is the bitwise AND operator
is the bitwise OR operator
is the logical AND operator
is the logical OR operator
The difference is that logical operators only consider each input at face value, treating them as whole, while bitwise operators work at the bit level:
var thetruth = false; var therest = true; var theuniverse = thetruth && therest; //false var theparallel = thetruth && thetruth; //true var theindifferent = thetruth || therest; //true var theideal = thetruth || thetruth; // false var thematrix = 5346908590; var mrsmith = 2354656767; var theoracle = thematrix & mrsmith; //202445230 var theone = thematrix | mrsmith; //7499120127
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