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What's the difference between a secure compare and a simple ==(=)

Github's securing webhooks page says:

Using a plain == operator is not advised. A method like secure_compare performs a “constant time” string comparison, which renders it safe from certain timing attacks against regular equality operators.

I use bcrypt.compare('string', 'computed hash') when comparing passwords.

What makes this a "secure compare" and can I do this using the standard crypto library in Node?

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Amin Shah Gilani Avatar asked Jun 28 '15 03:06

Amin Shah Gilani

3 Answers

The point of a "constant time" string comparison is that the comparison will take the exact same amount of time no matter what the comparison target is (the unknown value). This "constant time" reveals no information to an attacker about what the unknown target value might be. The usual solution is that all characters are compared, even after a mismatch is found so no matter where a mismatch is found, the comparison runs in the same amount of time.

Other forms of comparison might return an answer in a shorter time when certain conditions are true which allows an attacker to learn what they might be missing. For example, in a typical string comparison, the comparison will return false as soon as an unequal character is found. If the first character does not match, then the comparison will return in a shorter amount of time than if it does. A diligent attacker can use this information to make a smarter brute force attack.

A "constant time" comparison eliminates this extra information because no matter how the two strings are unequal, the function will return its value in the same amount of time.

In looking at the nodejs v4 crypto library, I don't see any signs of a function to do constant time comparison and per this post, there is a discussion about the fact that the nodejs crypto library is missing this functionality.

EDIT: Node v6 now has crypto.timingSafeEqual(a, b).

There is also such a constant time comparison function available in this buffer-equal-constant-time module.

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jfriend00 Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10


jfriend's answer is correct in general, but in terms of this specific context (comparing the output of a bcrypt operation with what is stored in the database), there is no risk with using "==".

Remember, bcrypt is designed to be a one-way function that is specifically built to resist password guessing attacks when the attacker gets hold of the database. If we assume that the attacker has the database, then the attacker does not need timing leak information to know which byte of his guess for the password is wrong: he can check that himself by simply looking at the database. If we assume the attacker does not have the database, then timing leak information could potentially tell us which byte was wrong in his guess in a scenario that is ideal for the attacker (not realistic at all). Even if he could get that information, the one-way property of bcrypt prevents him from exploiting the knowledge gain.

Summary: preventing timing attacks is a good idea in general, but in this specific context, you're not putting yourself in any danger by using "==".

EDIT: The bcrypt.compare( ) function already is programmed to resist timing attacks even though there is absolutely no security risk in not doing this.

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TheGreatContini Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10


Imagine a long block of material to compare. If the first block does not match and the compare function returns right then, you have leaked data to the attacker. He can work on the first block of data until the routine takes longer to return, at which time he will know that the first chunk matched.

2 ways to compare data that are more secure from timing attacks are to hash both sets of data and to compare the hashes, or to XOR all the data and compare the result to 0. If == just scans both blocks of data and returns if and when it finds a discrepancy, it can inadvertently play "warmer / colder" and guide the adversary right in on the secret text he wants to match.

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WDS Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10