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What's the difference between a file descriptor and file pointer?

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What is a file pointer?

A file pointer stores the current position of a read or write within a file. All operations within the file are made with reference to the pointer. The data type of this pointer is defined in stdio. h and is named FILE.

What is meant by file descriptor?

In Unix and Unix-like computer operating systems, a file descriptor (FD, less frequently fildes) is a unique identifier (handle) for a file or other input/output resource, such as a pipe or network socket.

What is a file descriptor in C?

A file descriptor is a number that uniquely identifies an open file in a computer's operating system. It describes a data resource, and how that resource may be accessed. When a program asks to open a file — or another data resource, like a network socket — the kernel: Grants access.

What is the difference between inode and file descriptor?

The fundamental difference is that an inode represents a file while a file descriptor (fd) represents a ticket to access the file, with limited permission and time window. You can think an inode as kind of complex ID of the file. Each file object has a unique inode.

A file descriptor is a low-level integer "handle" used to identify an opened file (or socket, or whatever) at the kernel level, in Linux and other Unix-like systems.

You pass "naked" file descriptors to actual Unix calls, such as read(), write() and so on.

A FILE pointer is a C standard library-level construct, used to represent a file. The FILE wraps the file descriptor, and adds buffering and other features to make I/O easier.

You pass FILE pointers to standard C functions such as fread() and fwrite().

One is buffered (FILE *) and the other is not. In practice, you want to use FILE * almost always when you are reading from a 'real' file (ie. on the drive), unless you know what you are doing or unless your file is actually a socket or so..

You can get the file descriptor from the FILE * using fileno() and you can open a buffered FILE * from a file descriptor using fdopen()

A file descriptor is just an integer which you get from the POSIX open() call. Using the standard C fopen() you get a FILE struct back. The FILE struct contains this file descriptor amongst other things such as end-of-file and error indicator, stream position etc.

So using fopen() gives you a certain amount of abstraction compared to open(). In general you should be using fopen() since that is more portable and you can use all the other standard C functions that uses the FILE struct, i.e., fprintf() and family.

There are no performance issues using either.

File descriptor vs File pointer

File descriptor:

File Descriptor is an integer value returned by open() system call.

int fd = open (filePath, mode);

  1. Low/Kernel level handler.
  2. passe to read() and write() of UNIX System Calls.
  3. Doesn't include buffering and such features.
  4. Less portable and lacks efficiency.

File pointer:

File Pointer is a pointer to a C structure returned by fopen() library function, which is used to identifying a file, wrapping the file descriptor, buffering functionality and all other functionality needed for I/O operation.The file pointer is of type FILE, whose definition can be found in "/usr/include/stdio.h". This definition may vary from one compiler to another.

FILE *fp = fopen (filePath, mode);

// A FILE Structure returned by fopen 
    typedef struct 
        unsigned char   *_ptr;
        int     _cnt;
        unsigned char   *_base;
        unsigned char   *_bufendp;
        short   _flag;
        short   _file;
        int     __stdioid;
        char    *__newbase;
        void *_lock;
        long    _unused[1];
#ifdef __64BIT__
        long    _unused1[4];
#endif /* __64BIT__ */
    } FILE;
  1. It is high level interface.
  2. Passed to fread() and fwrite() functions.
  3. Includes buffering,error indication and EOF detection,etc.
  4. Provides higher portability and efficiency.

Want to add points which might be useful.


  1. can't be used for interprocess communication(IPC).
  2. use it when you need genral purpose buffered I/O.(printf,frpintf,snprintf,scanf)
  3. I use it many times for debug logs. example,

                 FILE *fp;
                 fp = fopen("debug.txt","a");
                 fprintf(fp,"I have reached till this point");


  1. It's generally used for IPC.

  2. Gives low-level control to files on *nix systems.(devices,files,sockets,etc), hence more powerfull than the FILE *.