In some versions of UNIX and Linux there's a banner command (usually /usr/bin/banner) that prints great output like this:
##### ####### # ##### # #
# # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # #
##### # # # # ###
# # ####### # # #
# # # # # # # # #
##### # # # ##### # #
In other versions, the banner command (frequently /usr/games/banner) prints an ENORMOUS banner like you'd make in 1980 with Printshop that are suited for use at birthday parties and stuff.
I tend to love using banner for my scripts but it inherently non-portable because of this issue. Is "banner" part of UNIX and why isn't part of the POSIX standards? This is some BSD vs SysV difference but why hasn't it been resolved?
I know there's figlet which reproduces the banner that I like. But my issue with this command is portability. Banner should be part of UNIX, IMHO, even if they need to include both versions under different names (although ideally the behavior should be merged into one command with an option for the desired output).
Am I just crap out of luck when it comes to portability in scripts if I use banner?
The banner command writes ASCII character Strings to standard output in large letters. Each line in the output can be up to 10 uppercase or lowercase characters in length. On output, all characters appear in uppercase, with the lowercase input characters appearing smaller than the uppercase input characters.
Banner command in Linux displays ASCII character strings in large size on the standard output. This is useful when you want to display a string to be seen when someone logs in using the terminal. The strings are created using the character '#'.
Banner is the information displayed, including version and operating systems about the services running on the different ports of a host server or system. Banner grabbing, hence, refers to gathering all the information about the services running or simply collecting banner data.
Nothing is more portable across Unices as straight C.
You might find my rough draft here easier to modify and extend than one from a distribution (due to the implicit copyright if nothing else). This code was designed to be easy to read and understand without any comments.
[Don't be afraid of that big array, the actual code is very short. And at the very bottom there are "comments" which were used to visualize and construct the bitmaps. If you can understand why the space character works despite being coded as a backslash, then you understand the whole thing. The rest is just filling out the alphabet.]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
enum {
A = 1<<0,
B = 1<<1,
C = 1<<2,
D = 1<<3,
E = 1<<4,
F = 1<<5,
G = 1<<6,
H = 1<<7,
char vec[] = " 0123456789"
unsigned char map[sizeof(vec)][8] = {
/* */ {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H}, /* :) */
/*0*/ {B|C|D|E|F, A|F|G, A|E|G, A|D|G, A|C|G, A|B|G, B|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*1*/ {G, F|G, G, G, G, G, G, 0},
/*2*/ {B|C|D|E|F, A|G, G, C|D|E|F, B, A, A|B|C|D|E|F|G, 0},
/*3*/ {B|C|D|E|F, A|G, G, C|D|E|F, G, A|G, B|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*4*/ {A|F, A|F, A|F, B|C|D|E|F|G, F, F, F, 0},
/*5*/ {A|B|C|D|E|F|G, A, A, B|C|D|E|F, G, A|G, B|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*6*/ {B|C|D|E|F, A, A, A|B|C|D|E|F, A|G, A|G, B|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*7*/ {B|C|D|E|F|G, G, F, E, D, C, B, 0},
/*8*/ {B|C|D|E|F, A|G, A|G, B|C|D|E|F, A|G, A|G, B|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*9*/ {B|C|D|E|F, A|G, A|G, B|C|D|E|F|G, G, G, B|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*a*/ {0, 0, B|C|D|E, F, B|C|D|E|F, A|F, B|C|D|E|G, 0},
/*b*/ {B, B, B, B|C|D|E|F, B|G, B|G, A|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*c*/ {0, 0, C|D|E, B|F, A, A, B|F, C|D|E},
/*d*/ {F, F, F, B|C|D|E|F, A|F, A|F, B|C|D|E|G, 0},
/*e*/ {0, 0, B|C|D|E, A|F, A|B|C|D|E|F, A, B|C|D|E, 0},
/*f*/ {C|D|E, B, B, A|B|C|D, B, B, B, 0},
/*g*/ {0, 0, B|C|D|E|G, A|F, A|F, B|C|D|E, F, B|C|D|E},
/*h*/ {B, B, B, B|C|D|E, B|F, B|F, A|B|F, 0},
/*i*/ {0, C, 0, B|C, C, C, A|B|C|D|E, 0},
/*j*/ {0, D, 0, D, D, D, A|D, B|C},
/*k*/ {B, B|E, B|D, B|C, B|D, B|E, A|B|E|F, 0},
/*l*/ {A|B, B, B, B, B, B, A|B|C, 0},
/*m*/ {0, 0, 0, A|C|E|F, A|B|D|G, A|D|G, A|D|G, 0},
/*n*/ {0, 0, 0, B|D|E, B|C|F, B|F, B|F, 0},
/*o*/ {0, 0, B|C|D|E, A|F, A|F, A|F, B|C|D|E, 0},
/*p*/ {0, 0, A|B|C|D|E, B|F, B|F, B|C|D|E, B, A|B},
/*q*/ {0, 0, B|C|D|E|G, A|F, A|F, B|C|D|E, F, F|G},
/*r*/ {0, 0, A|B|D|E, B|C|F, B, B, A|B, 0},
/*s*/ {0, 0, B|C|D|E, A, B|C|D|E, F, A|B|C|D|E, 0},
/*t*/ {0, C, C, A|B|C|D|E, C, C, D|E, 0},
/*u*/ {0, 0, A|F, A|F, A|F, A|F, B|C|D|E|G, 0},
/*v*/ {0, 0, A|G, B|F, B|F, C|E, D, 0},
/*w*/ {0, 0, A|G, A|G, A|D|G, A|D|G, B|C|E|F, 0},
/*x*/ {0, 0, A|F, B|E, C|D, B|E, A|F, 0},
/*y*/ {0, 0, B|F, B|F, B|F, C|F, A|D|E, B|C|D},
/*z*/ {0, 0, A|B|C|D|E|F, E, D, C, B|C|D|E|F|G, 0},
/*A*/ {D, C|E, B|F, A|G, A|B|C|D|E|F|G, A|G, A|G, 0},
/*B*/ {A|B|C|D|E, A|F, A|F, A|B|C|D|E, A|F, A|F, A|B|C|D|E, 0},
/*C*/ {C|D|E, B|F, A, A, A, B|F, C|D|E, 0},
/*D*/ {A|B|C|D, A|E, A|F, A|F, A|F, A|E, A|B|C|D, 0},
/*E*/ {A|B|C|D|E|F, A, A, A|B|C|D|E, A, A, A|B|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*F*/ {A|B|C|D|E|F, A, A, A|B|C|D|E, A, A, A, 0},
/*G*/ {C|D|E, B|F, A, A, A|E|F|G, B|F|G, C|D|E|G, 0},
/*H*/ {A|G, A|G, A|G, A|B|C|D|E|F|G, A|G, A|G, A|G, 0},
/*I*/ {A|B|C|D|E, C, C, C, C, C, A|B|C|D|E, 0},
/*J*/ {A|B|C|D|E, C, C, C, C, C, A|C, B},
/*K*/ {A|F, A|E, A|D, A|B|C, A|D, A|E, A|F, 0},
/*L*/ {A, A, A, A, A, A, A|B|C|D|E|F, 0},
/*M*/ {A|B|F|G, A|C|E|G, A|D|G, A|G, A|G, A|G, A|G, 0},
/*N*/ {A|G, A|B|G, A|C|G, A|D|G, A|E|G, A|F|G, A|G, 0},
/*O*/ {C|D|E, B|F, A|G, A|G, A|G, B|F, C|D|E, 0},
/*P*/ {A|B|C|D, A|E, A|E, A|B|C|D, A, A, A, 0},
/*Q*/ {C|D|E, B|F, A|G, A|G, A|C|G, B|D|F, C|D|E, F|G},
/*R*/ {A|B|C|D, A|E, A|E, A|B|C|D, A|E, A|F, A|F, 0},
/*S*/ {C|D|E, B|F, C, D, E, B|F, C|D|E, 0},
/*T*/ {A|B|C|D|E|F|G, D, D, D, D, D, D, 0},
/*U*/ {A|G, A|G, A|G, A|G, A|G, B|F, C|D|E, 0},
/*V*/ {A|G, A|G, B|F, B|F, C|E, C|E, D, 0},
/*W*/ {A|G, A|G, A|G, A|G, A|D|G, A|C|E|G, B|F, 0},
/*X*/ {A|G, A|G, B|F, C|D|E, B|F, A|G, A|G, 0},
/*Y*/ {A|G, A|G, B|F, C|E, D, D, D, 0},
/*Z*/ {A|B|C|D|E|F|G, F, E, D, C, B, A|B|C|D|E|F|G, 0},
/*.*/ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, D, 0},
/*,*/ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, E, E, D},
/*:*/ {0, 0, 0, 0, D, 0, D, 0},
/*!*/ {D, D, D, D, D, 0, D, 0},
/*/ */ {G, F, E, D, C, B, A, 0},
/*\\*/ {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, 0},
/*|*/ {D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D},
/*+*/ {0, D, D, B|C|D|E|F, D, D, 0, 0},
/*-*/ {0, 0, 0, B|C|D|E|F, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/***/ {0, B|D|F, C|D|E, D, C|D|E, B|D|F, 0, 0},
/*=*/ {0, 0, B|C|D|E|F, 0, B|C|D|E|F, 0, 0, 0}
int enc(int c) { return strchr(vec,c)-vec; }
void show(char *s) {
int row,col;
char *sp;
for (row=0; row<8; row++, putchar('\n'))
for (sp = s; *sp; sp++)
if (strchr(vec,*sp)!=NULL)
for (col=0; col<8; col++)
putchar(map[enc(*sp)][row] & 1<<col ? *sp:' ');
int main(int c,char **v) {
for (--c,++v;*v;v++,c--) show(*v);
return 0;
01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567
0 ##### # ### #
1 # # # # #
2 # # #### # # #### # #
3 ##### # ##### ##### # # ####
4 # # ##### # # # # # # #
5 # # # # # # # #### # #
6 ##### #### # # #### # # ## #
7 ####
01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567
0 #
1 # # # #
2 # # # ##### #### #
3 ## # ## ### ## # # # #
4 # # # # # # # # # # #
5 # # # # # # # #### ####
6 ##### # # ## ## ## # # # #
7 ## ## ##
01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567
2 ## ## #### # # # # ###### # #
3 ## # # # # # # # # #
4 # #### ## # # # # # #
5 # # # # # # # # # #
6 ## ##### # # # ## ###### ## ##
7 ###
01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567
0 # ##### ### #### ##### # #
1 # # # # # # # # # # #
2 # # # # # # # # # #
3 # # ##### # # # # # #
4 ##### # # # # # # # # #
5 # # # # # # # # # # # # #
6 # # ##### ### #### # # # #
7 #
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