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Whats the best way to send QStrings in a function call?


I would like to know what is the most efficient and practical way of sending a Qstring as a parameter to a function, in QT more specifically. I want to use a reference. The problem is I also want to instantiate that string in the function itself like so for example:

this is the function prototype:

void myFunction(QString & theMsg); 

this is the function call:

myFunction(tr("Hello StringWorld")); 

now the function tr() returns a QString but it doesn't work with a reference(I can see why).

I have to do this:

QString theQstr("Hello StringWorld");  myFunction(theQstr); 

Is there a simpler way to do this while still using references or could I just change the function parameter to use a QString and it would still be efficient?

like image 334
yan bellavance Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 19:01

yan bellavance

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1 Answers

QString uses COW (Copy On Write) behind the scenes, so the actual string isn't copied even if you use a signature like this:

void myFunction(QString theMsg)

(until you modify it that is).

If you absolutely want a reference I would use a const& unless you plan to modify the input argument.

void myFunction(QString const& theMsg)

like image 81
Morten Fjeldstad Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09

Morten Fjeldstad