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What's the best way to generate a tag cloud from an array using h1 through h6 for sizing?

I have the following arrays:

$artist = array("the roots", "michael jackson", "billy idol", "more", "and more", "and_YET_MORE");
$count = array(5, 3, 9, 1, 1, 3);

I want to generate a tag cloud that will have artists with a higher number in $count enclosed in h6 tags and the lowest enclosed h1 tags.

like image 964
w-ll Avatar asked Aug 01 '08 21:08


3 Answers

You will want to add a logarithmic function to it too. (taken from tagadelic, my Drupal module to create tag clouds http://drupal.org/project/tagadelic):

db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, id, name FROM ... ORDER BY count DESC');

$steps = 6;
$tags = array();
$min = 1e9;
$max = -1e9;

while ($tag = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $tag->number_of_posts = $tag->count; #sets the amount of items a certain tag has attached to it
    $tag->count = log($tag->count);
    $min = min($min, $tag->count);
    $max = max($max, $tag->count);
    $tags[$tag->tid] = $tag;
// Note: we need to ensure the range is slightly too large to make sure even
// the largest element is rounded down.
$range = max(.01, $max - $min) * 1.0001;

foreach ($tags as $key => $value) {
    $tags[$key]->weight = 1 + floor($steps * ($value->count - $min) / $range);

Then in your view or template:

foreach ($tags as $tag) {
    $output .= "<h$tag->weight>$tag->name</h$tag->weight>"
like image 162
berkes Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 15:11


Off the top of my head...

$artist = array("the roots","michael jackson","billy idol","more","and more","and_YET_MORE");
$count = array(5,3,9,1,1,3);
$highest = max($count);
for (int $x = 0; $x < count($artist); $x++)
    $normalized = $count[$x] / $highest;
    $heading = ceil($normalized * 6); // 6 heading types
    echo "<h".$heading.">".$artist[$x]."</h".$heading.">";
like image 33
Ryan Fox Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 13:11

Ryan Fox

Perhaps this is a little academic and off topic but hX tags are probably not the best choice for a tag cloud for reasons of document structure and all that sort of thing.

Maybe spans or an ol with appropriate class attributes (plus some CSS)?

like image 26
Brendan Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 14:11
