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What's the best way of distinguishing bools from numbers in Python?



I have an application where I need to be able to distinguish between numbers and bools as quickly as possible. What are the alternatives apart from running isinstance(value, bool) first?

Edit: Thanks for the suggestions. Actually, what I want to be able to do have a check for numbers that leaves out bools so that I can reorder my checks (numbers are far more prevalent) and improve my negacalls. isinstance() itself is fast enough. The x is True or x is False is intriguing.

like image 619
Charlie Clark Avatar asked Feb 24 '15 10:02

Charlie Clark

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1 Answers

So, Padraic Cunningham suggests, that the following might be a bit faster. My own quick experiments with cProfile-ing it haven't shown any difference:

isbool = value is True or value is False

I assume that's as fast as you can get: Two non-type-coercing comparisons.

Edit: I replayed the timing tests from @user 5061 and added my statement. This is my result:

>>> import timeit
>>> stmt1 = "isinstance(123, bool)"
>>> stmt2 = "123 is True or 123 is False"
>>> t1 = timeit.timeit(stmt1)
>>> t2 = timeit.timeit(stmt2)
>>> print t1
>>> print t2

Edit 2: Note, that I'm using Python 2.7 here. @user 5061 might use Python 3 (telling from the print() function), so any solution provided here should be tested by OP before putting in production, for YMMV.

like image 122
Boldewyn Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10
