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What's the best strategy to delete a very huge folder using Perl?

I need to delete all content (files and folders) under a given folder. The problems is the folder has millions of files and folders inside it. So I don't want to load all the file names in one go.

Logic should be like this:

  • iterate a folder without load everything
  • get a file or folder
  • delete it (verbose that the file or folder "X" was deleted)
  • go to the next one

I'm trying something like this:

sub main(){
  my ($rc, $help, $debug, $root)   = ();
  $rc = GetOptions ( "HELP"           => \$help,
                     "DEBUG"          => \$debug,
                     "ROOT=s"         => \$root);

  die "Bad command line options\n$usage\n" unless ($rc);
  if ($help) { print $usage; exit (0); }

  if ($debug) {
      warn "\nProceeding to execution with following parameters: \n";
      warn "===============================================================\n";
      warn "ROOT = $root\n";

  } # write debug information to STDERR

  print "\n Starting to delete...\n";  

  die "usage: $0 dir ..\n" unless $root;
  *name = *File::Find::name;
  find \&verbose, @ARGV;


sub verbose {
    if (!-l && -d _) {
        print "rmdir $name\n";
    } else {
        print "unlink $name\n";


It's working fine, but whenever "find" reads the huge folder, the application gets stuck and I can see the system memory for Perl increasing until timeout. Why? Is it trying to load all the files in one go?

Thanks for your help.

like image 507
André Diniz Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 23:11

André Diniz

1 Answers

The remove_tree function from File::Path can portably and verbosely remove a directory hierarchy, keeping the top directory, if desired.

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);

my $dir = '/tmp/dir';
remove_tree($dir, {verbose => 1, keep_root => 1});

Pre-5.10, use the rmtree function from File::Path. If you still want the top directory, you could just mkdir it again.

use File::Path;

my $dir = '/tmp/dir';
rmtree($dir, 1);  # 1 means verbose
mkdir $dir;
like image 188
toolic Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 23:01
