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What's the best practice to deploy (manage dependency) the django reusable apps in a real production project?

In our project we are using some django reusable apps, we are considering how to make the continuous and automatic deployment easy and painless.

We have 2 options:

option#1: use "pip install xxx" to install all dependencies reusable apps. Write a script to install and check the dependencies.

option#2: make a copy of all used reusable apps under our own directory, so we basically will deploy everything in our project directory.

both options have its pros and cons, I am wondering if you can share your the best practice of doing this?

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Robert Mao Avatar asked Sep 29 '11 09:09

Robert Mao

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If you're new to deploying Django and/or Python, we'd recommend you try mod_wsgi first. In most cases it'll be the easiest, fastest, and most stable deployment choice.

1 Answers

You can create a file of dependencies with pip very easily which will mean that the correct versions of each app will be maintained between servers

# Save dependancies to a file
pip freeze > requirement_file.txt

creates a file something like:


which can be later used to reinstall the listed apps on a different server

# Install all dependencies in the file
pip install -r requirement_file.txt

This is a nice and simple approach. You can get more complicated with the likes of zc.buildout


which helps manage packages (python and non-python) via scripts (you create 'recipes' containing the details of the packages you need installed)

If you need broader control over server installs you could use 'puppet' or 'chef'

http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Big_Picture http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Chef+Server

which are aimed at automating and deploying more than just dependencies, but entire servers

I haven't needed to use more then simple pip requirements files, but the other options are great if you need more.


Keeping your own version of the apps in your project root/python path can become cumbersome and difficult to track, I'd suggest using a pip requirement file.

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Timmy O'Mahony Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

Timmy O'Mahony