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What's so wrong about using GC.Collect()?

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Should you use GC collect?

GC. Collect() should not be called for the purpose of "quickly clean up the unused memory immediately". Having a forced release of memory does not pay off the overall performance caused by an active garbage collection.

Does GC collect work?

It performs a blocking garbage collection of all generations. All objects, regardless of how long they have been in memory, are considered for collection; however, objects that are referenced in managed code are not collected. Use this method to force the system to try to reclaim the maximum amount of available memory.

Is GC collect thread safe?

There is nothing wrong in calling GC. Collect in BackGround thread. In fact it doesn't makes any difference at all.

What is GC collect () python?

Python deletes unwanted objects (built-in types or class instances) automatically to free the memory space. The process by which Python periodically frees and reclaims blocks of memory that no longer are in use is called Garbage Collection.

From Rico's Blog...

Rule #1


This is really the most important rule. It's fair to say that most usages of GC.Collect() are a bad idea and I went into that in some detail in the orginal posting so I won't repeat all that here. So let's move on to...

Rule #2

Consider calling GC.Collect() if some non-recurring event has just happened and this event is highly likely to have caused a lot of old objects to die.

A classic example of this is if you're writing a client application and you display a very large and complicated form that has a lot of data associated with it. Your user has just interacted with this form potentially creating some large objects... things like XML documents, or a large DataSet or two. When the form closes these objects are dead and so GC.Collect() will reclaim the memory associated with them...

So it sounds like this situation may fall under Rule #2, you know that there's a moment in time where a lot of old objects have died, and it's non-recurring. However, don't forget Rico's parting words.

Rule #1 should trump Rule #2 without strong evidence.

Measure, measure, measure.

If you call GC.Collect() in production code you are essentially declaring that you know more then the authors of the GC. That may be the case. However it's usually not, and therefore strongly discouraged.

So how about when you are using COM objects like MS Word or MS Excel from .NET? Without calling GC.Collect after releasing the COM objects we have found that the Word or Excel application instances still exist.

In fact the code we use is:


' Call the Garbage Collector twice. The GC needs to be called twice in order to get the
' Finalizers called - the first time in, it simply makes a list of what is to be finalized,
' the second time in, it actually does the finalizing. Only then will the object do its 
' automatic ReleaseComObject. Note: Calling the GC is a time-consuming process, 
' but one that may be necessary when automating Excel because it is the only way to 
' release all the Excel COM objects referenced indirectly.
' Ref: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1346865&seqNum=5
' Ref: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;q317109

So would that be an incorrect use of the garbage collector? If so how do we get the Interop objects to die? Also if it isn't meant to be used like this, why is the GC's Collect method even Public?

Well, the GC is one of those things I have a love / hate relationship with. We have broken it in the past through VistaDB and blogged about it. They have fixed it, but it takes a LONG time to get fixes from them on things like this.

The GC is complex, and a one size fits all approach is very, very hard to pull off on something this large. MS has done a fairly good job of it, but it is possible to fool the GC at times.

In general you should not add a Collect unless you know for a fact you just dumped a ton of memory and it will go to a mid life crisis if the GC doesn't get it cleaned up now.

You can screw up the entire machine with a series of bad GC.Collect statements. The need for a collect statement almost always points to a larger underlying error. The memory leak usually has to do with references and a lack of understanding to how they work. Or using of the IDisposable on objects that don't need it and putting a much higher load on the GC.

Watch closely the % of time spent in GC through the system performance counters. If you see your app using 20% or more of its time in the GC you have serious object management issues (or an abnormal usage pattern). You want to always minimize the time the GC spends because it will speed up your entire app.

It is also important to note that the GC is different on servers than workstations. I have seen a number of small difficult to track down problems with people not testing both of them (or not even aware that their are two of them).

And just to be as full in my answer as possible you should also test under Mono if you are targeting that platform as well. Since it is a totally different implementation it may experience totally different problems that the MS implementation.

There are situations where it's useful, but in general it should be avoided. You could compare it to GOTO, or riding a moped: you do it when you need to, but you don't tell your friends about it.

From my experience it has never been advisable to make a call to GC.Collect() in production code. In debugging, yes, it has it's advantages to help clarify potential memory leaks. I guess my fundamental reason is that the GC has been written and optimized by programmers much smarter then I, and if I get to a point that I feel I need to call GC.Collect() it is a clue that I have gone off path somewhere. In your situation it doesn't sound like you actually have memory issues, just that you are concerned what instability the collection will bring to your process. Seeing that it will not clean out objects still in use, and that it adapts very quickly to both rising and lowering demands, I would think you will not have to worry about it.