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What's publishHtml reportFiles parameter syntax

I'm trying to configure HTML Publisher plugin for Jenkins via Jenkinsfile to publish few html files like this:

        target: [
              allowMissing         : false,
              alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
              keepAll              : true,
              reportDir            : 'my-project-grails/build/reports/codenarc',
              reportFiles          : 'test.html',
              reportName           : "Codenarc Report"

The description of the reportFiles parameter here says I should be able to specify multiple files. But what's the syntax?

like image 830
Filip Stachowiak Avatar asked Jun 30 '17 14:06

Filip Stachowiak

People also ask

How do I archive HTML reports in Jenkins?

The HTML Publisher plugin can be configured in the post build portion of your Jenkins job. HTML directory to archive - the path to the report directory to archive relative to the workspace. Index page[s] - comma-seperated list of files that will be used as index pages. Ant patterns can be used.

2 Answers

As Sebien's answer but:

  • Uses a one-liner for the files filter
  • No need to be inside a script block
  • Incorporates Abhijit's answer
  reportName: 'Newman Report'
  reportDir: 'reports',
  reportFiles: "${dir('reports') { findFiles(glob: '**/*.html').join(',') ?: 'Not found' }}",
  allowMissing: true,
  alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
  keepAll: true,
like image 161
felipecrs Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09


If you have several HTML files but do not know their name nor count in advance, you can do such code:

script {
    def htmlFiles
    dir ('reports') {
        htmlFiles = findFiles glob: '*.html'
            reportDir: 'reports',
            reportFiles: htmlFiles.join(','),
            reportName: 'Newman Collection Results',
            allowMissing: true,
            alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
            keepAll: true])

Notice the script section as Jenkins does not allow to declare variable in stage or steps section.

like image 21
Sebien Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
