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What's going to replace HTML & CSS & JS? [closed]

HTML and CSS are showing their age.

SASS generates CSS (because CSS isn't clean enough). Graphic Designers don't work in HTML, they work in graphics tools then have to translate it to HTML/CSS. JavaScript has to have abstractions like jQuery, and CSS has a bunch of hacks to even start approaching consistent predictable user experience.

It feels like people are doing some wonderful things despite the technologies, not because of them.

Surely there is a better way?!? Something more closely aligned with the task at hand.. of providing a fluid intuitive (consistent) user experience to let users achieve their goals.


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Nigel Thorne Avatar asked Apr 17 '09 04:04

Nigel Thorne

People also ask

What will replace HTML?

That leads us to the more pragmatic answer: XML is already replacing HTML... sort of. You probably know that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is responsible for the HTML standard, currently at version 4.01.

Is HTML going to be replaced?

HTML won't be replaced as a standard any time soon. It's too wide spread a technology, and the amount of re-education required among people working with webapps and websites to switch technology completely would be massive and very costly. HTML will however, like any other technology, evolve.

What is the future of HTML?

Adobe believes that the Future of HTML lies in retaining the bulk of the behavioral semantics of HTML, it's tagset and associated CSS standard while moving to a fully XML compliant syntax. In our view this should take a phased approach as the evolving future of HTML.

Will JavaScript replace HTML?

One very useful ability provided by JavaScript is the ability to replace the content of elements in an existing HTML document that was previously displayed, even empty elements. There are many reasons that a web designer may choose to take advantage of this ability but providing interactive pages is a likely goal.

1 Answers

Nothing, I believe they are here to stay for next 10 years.

The Internet experience might be enhanced by technologies like Flash & Silverlight but what's valuable about Internet is not the technology but the information.

Therefore, breaking Internet compatibility for pure technological enhancement will never work.

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oscarkuo Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 10:09
