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What's difference between .in() and all.() operators in mongoose?

I'm just curious what's difference between .in() and .all() methods in mongoose Query? Can you explain by a simple example.

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Erik Avatar asked Aug 19 '12 15:08


People also ask

What is difference between $in and $All MongoDB?

$all operator retrieves all the documents which contains the subset of the values we pass. The subset might be in any order. $in operator retrieves all the documents which contains the either of the values we pass.

What is $all in Mongoose?

The $all operator allows you to check for documents that have an array field with all of the values given. The syntax is very straightforward and is easy to use.

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3 Answers

Here is the explanation from mongodb.org:


The $all operator is similar to $in, but instead of matching any value in the specified array all values in the array must be matched. For example, the object

{ a: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }

would be matched by

db.things.find( { a: { $all: [ 2, 3 ] } } );

but not

db.things.find( { a: { $all: [ 2, 3, 4 ] } } );

An array can have more elements than those specified by the $all criteria. $all specifies a minimum set of elements that must be matched.

Read more about mongodb operators here

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udidu Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10


$all operator retrieves all the documents which contains the subset of the values we pass. The subset might be in any order.

$in operator retrieves all the documents which contains the either of the values we pass.

For example, consider the collection "skills" with following documents:

{ "Name" : "Balaji", "skills" : [ "Dancing", "Cooking", "Singing" ] }
{ "Name" : "Ramesh", "skills" : [ "Cooking", "Singing" ] }
{ "Name" : "Suresh", "skills" : [ "Dancing", "Singing" ] }

db.skills.find({skills: { $all : ["Cooking", "Singing" ] } } ) will return only the documents which contains both cooking and singing skills as a set ie Balaji and Ramesh.

db.skills.find({skills: { $in : ["Cooking", "Singing" ] } } ) will return all the documents since all documents contains either cooking or singing.

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balajivijayan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10


$all - This an array operator that is equivalent to an $and operation.



{hobbies: { $all : ["readingbooks", "singing" ] } }
can write like below query
    $and: [
        {"hobbies": "readingbooks"},
        {"hobbies": "singing"},

will return only the documents which contains both readingbooks and singing hobbies



$in operator retrieves all the documents which contains the either of the values we pass.



{hobbies: { $in : ["readingbooks", "singing" ] } }

can write like below query
    $or: [
        {"hobbies": "readingbooks"},
        {"hobbies": "singing"},

will return all the documents which contains any of them readingbooks or singing hobbies


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Chandrakesha Rao Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Chandrakesha Rao