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What's best practice to represent a Time object in C#?


I have a Time column in a database table. The date is not important, we just want a time in the day. What type would be best to represent it in C#? I was going to use a DateTime, but I don't like the idea of having a date.

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Carlo Avatar asked Sep 10 '10 23:09


People also ask

What is the datatype for time in C#?

In C# a DateTime data type is a struct type that represents an instant of time.

How do you declare a time variable in C#?

There are two ways to initialize the DateTime variable: DateTime DT = new DateTime();// this will initialze variable with a date(01/01/0001) and time(00:00:00). DateTime DT = new DateTime(2019,05,09,9,15,0);// this will initialize variable with a specific date(09/05/2019) and time(9:15:00).

What is DateTimeOffset C#?

The DateTimeOffset structure includes a DateTime value, together with an Offset property that defines the difference between the current DateTimeOffset instance's date and time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

How do I get the difference between two times in C#?

DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2018, 7, 15, 08, 15, 20); DateTime date2 = new DateTime(2018, 8, 17, 11, 14, 25); Now, get the difference between two dates. TimeSpan ts = date2 - date1; Get the result i.e. the difference in hours.

2 Answers

While the other answers are mostly correct that a TimeSpan is the only built-in type that will work, it's important to realize that there are distinct differences between an "elapsed measurement of time" and a "time of day".

  • The most obvious difference is that a time of day must be less than 24 hours. A TimeSpan object can cover much more than that.

  • Another difference is that a TimeSpan type can be negative. This represents moving backwards in time. A negative value would be meaningless as a time-of-day.

  • And finally, a time-of-day includes any concept of daylight saving time that might apply to the time zone in which it was taken. So you can't think of it as "elapsed time since midnight".

    • If it's the day of the spring-forward DST transition (in the USA), then a value of 4:00 has only elapsed 3 hours since midnight.
    • If it's the day of the fall-back DST transition (in the USA), then a value of 4:00 has actually elapsed 5 hours since midnight.
    • And since DST is different all over the world, it's entirely possible that midnight doesn't even exist, or exists twice. This happens in places like Brazil, and others.

So if you use TimeSpan as a time-of-day, you need to be aware of these issues. .NET doesn't have a built-in type for a time-of-day, so this is an acceptable compromise, even though it's in violation of it's own design.

Even the .NET Framework itself makes this compromise. For example:

  • The DateTime class has a TimeOfDay property that returns a TimeSpan.
  • If you have time type in SQL Server, it will be a TimeSpan when returned through the .NET SQL Client.

The MSDN Reference Documentation has this to say about the TimeSpan type:

The TimeSpan structure can also be used to represent the time of day, but only if the time is unrelated to a particular date. Otherwise, the DateTime or DateTimeOffset structure should be used instead.

That is basically another way of saying what I covered in my third point above about DST.

However, if you are not interested in making compromises in your design and would like a real time-of-day type, then take a look at the Noda Time library.

  • There is the LocalTime type, which represents a time of day. This is the direct answer to the question that was asked.
  • There is a Duration type, which represents an elapsed measure of time.
  • There is also a Period type, which represents a positional movement on a calendar - which is something else that TimeSpan can't do. For example, "3 years and 5 months" would be a Period value.
  • There is also an Offset type, which is similar to a Duration, but is used as an offset from UTC for time zones. It has a range limited to that purpose.

While some could say that TimeSpan is more versatile since it can handle all of these, the truth is that it allows you to get into trouble. By separating the types, you get safety and consistency.

Alternatively, you may consider the System.Time package available from Microsoft as part of CoreFX Lab. This package contains implementations of a time-only type called Time, and a date-only type called Date. You will need to use the dotnet-corefxlab MyGet feed to import this package.

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Matt Johnson-Pint Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Matt Johnson-Pint

You could use a TimeSpan structure to represent a time in .NET.

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dommer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09
