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What's a proper way to turn off genymotion emulator?

Funny thing - I've always been shutting it down by closing emulator's window (X in upper-right corner, yes).

Now I somehow got interested if nothing is corrupted in emulator during that.

Surprisingly, nothing could be googled about that.

like image 887
Den Drobiazko Avatar asked Mar 23 '14 20:03

Den Drobiazko

1 Answers

I have the same problem (Windows 8.1, GenyMotion 2.1.1), and I sent an email to GenyMotion. Their answer: Genymotion Support (Genymobile)

Mar 28 15:00

Bonjour Yves,

Il n'est effectivement pas possible pour le moment d'arrêter un terminal virtuel 4.4.2 "proprement". Ceci est dû à un bug, que nous traiterons au plus vite. En ce qui concerne de besoin de redémarrer Genymotion, le contournement est simple: il vous suffit de fermer la fenêtre Genymotion. Vous serez averti dès que ce bug sera résolu!


Damien Genymotion Support Team

Translation (Google translation):

It is actually not possible at this time to stop a virtual terminal 4.4.2 "properly". This is due to a bug, which we treat as soon as possible. As regards the need to restart Genymotion, the workaround is simple: simply close the window Genymotion. You will be notified as soon as this bug will be solved!

My own solution: click on the red cross, use Task Manager or Process Explorer, and kill Process Tree "player.exe".

Hope this aids

Yves Ruin

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YaDégun Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09
